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wiki1665: Wifi_wpa_supplicant_page (Version 8)

Using wpa_supplicant to Manage your Wireless Network Connections#

The wpa_supplicant daemon is the "standard" mechanism used to provide persistence of wireless networking information as well as managing automated connections into networks without user intervention.

The supplicant is based upon the open source supplicant (albeit an earlier revision that matches that used by the NetBSD distribution) located at

The supplicant provides a number of key features to support wireless connectivity. These are:

  • Provides a consistent interface for configuring all authentication / encryption mechanisms (unsecure, wep, WPA, WPA2)
  • Supports configuration of adhoc and infrastructure modes of operation
  • Maintains the network configuration information in a configuration file (by default /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf)
  • Provides auto-connectivity capability allowing a client to connect into a WAP without user intervention

An example wpa_supplicant.conf file is installed in $STAGE/etc for you. It contains a detailed description of the basic supplicant configuration parameters and network parameter descriptions (and there are lots of them) and example network configuration blocks.

In conjunction with the supplicant is a command line configuration tool called wpa_cli. This tool lets you query the stack for information on wireless networks as well as update the configuration file on the fly. We are also in the process of developing a library of routines that will be pulled into a GUI (or that you can use yourself to create a Wi-Fi configuration tool). This library can be found under the source tree in lib/wlconfig and creates a libwlconfig library for applications to use.

The following commands are currently supported by the wpa_cli utility:

  status [verbose] = get current WPA/EAPOL/EAP status
  mib = get MIB variables (dot1x, dot11)
  help = show this usage help
  interface [ifname] = show interfaces/select interface
  level <debug level> = change debug level
  license = show full wpa_cli license
  logoff = IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logoff
  logon = IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logon
  set = set variables (shows list of variables when run without arguments)
  pmksa = show PMKSA cache
  reassociate = force reassociation
  reconfigure = force wpa_supplicant to re-read its configuration file
  preauthenticate <BSSID> = force preauthentication
  identity <network id> <identity> = configure identity for an SSID
  password <network id> <password> = configure password for an SSID
  new_password <network id> <password> = change password for an SSID
  pin <network id> <pin> = configure pin for an SSID
  otp <network id> <password> = configure one-time-password for an SSID
  passphrase <network id> <passphrase> = configure private key passphrase
    for an SSID
  bssid <network id> <BSSID> = set preferred BSSID for an SSID
  list_networks = list configured networks
  select_network <network id> = select a network (disable others)
  enable_network <network id> = enable a network
  disable_network <network id> = disable a network
  add_network = add a network
  remove_network <network id> = remove a network
  set_network <network id> <variable> <value> = set network variables (shows
    list of variables when run without arguments)
  get_network <network id> <variable> = get network variables
  save_config = save the current configuration
  disconnect = disconnect and wait for reassociate command before connecting
  scan = request new BSS scan
  scan_results = get latest scan results
  get_capability <eap/pairwise/group/key_mgmt/proto/auth_alg> = get capabilities
  terminate = terminate wpa_supplicant
  quit = exit wpa_cli

If you want the wpa_cli to be capable of updating the wpa_supplicant.conf file, edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file and uncomment the "update_config=1" option. (Note that when wpa_cli re-writes the configuration file, all of the comments in there will be stripped out.) Copy the file into /etc (and make sure that it's owned and read/writable by root only. It contains clear text keys and password information).

Given a system with a USB-WiFi dongle based on the RAL chips, here's a sample session showing how to get things working with a WEP based WAP.

# cp $HOME/stage/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc
# chown root:root /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
# chmod 600 /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
# io-pkt-v4-hc -dural
# ifconfig
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33192
	inet netmask 0xff000000
ural0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
	ssid ""
	powersave off
	address: 00:ab:cd:ef:d7:ac
	media: IEEE802.11 autoselect
	status: no network
# wpa_supplicant -B -iural0
# wpa_cli
wpa_cli v0.4.9
Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Jouni Malinen <> and contributors

This program is free software. You can distribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of the
BSD license. See README and COPYING for more details.

Selected interface 'ural0'

Interactive mode

> scan
> scan_results
bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
00:02:34:45:65:76	2437	10	[WPA-EAP-CCMP]	A_NET
00:23:44:44:55:66	2412	10	[WPA-PSK-CCMP]	AN_OTHERNET
00:12:4c:56:a7:8c	2412	10	[WEP]	MY_NET
> list_networks
network id / ssid / bssid / flags
0	simple	any	
1	second ssid	any	
2	example	any	
> remove_network 0
> remove_network 1
> remove_network 2
> add_network
> set_network 0 ssid "MY_NET"
> set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE
> set_network 0 wep_key0 "My_Net_Key234"
> enable_network 0
> save
> list_network
network id / ssid / bssid / flags
0	QWA_NET	any	
> status
<2>Trying to associate with 00:12:4c:56:a7:8c (SSID='MY_NET' freq=2412 MHz)
<2>Trying to associate with 00:12:4c:56:a7:8c (SSID='MY_NET' freq=2412 MHz)
> status
<2>Trying to associate with 00:12:4c:56:a7:8c (SSID='MY_NET' freq=2462 MHz)
<2>Associated with 00:12:4c:56:a7:8c
<2>CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:12:4c:56:a7:8c completed (auth)
> quit
# dhcp.client -i ural0
# ifconfig
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33192
	inet netmask 0xff000000
	ssid MY_NET nwkey My_Net_Key234
	powersave off
	bssid 00:12:4c:56:a7:8c chan 11
	address: 00:ab:cd:ef:d7:ac
	media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (OFDM54 mode 11g)
	status: active
	inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast

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