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Core Networking 6.4 -- aka io-pkt aka io-net3#

Core Networking 6.4 is intended to be a drop in replacement for io-net for those people who are dealing with the stack from an outside application point of view. It includes three stack variants, associated utilities, protocols, libraries and drivers.

The three stack variants are:

  • io-pkt-v4: IPv4 version of the stack with no encryption or WiFi capability built in. This is a "reduced footprint" version of the stack.
  • io-pkt-v4-hc: IPv4 version of the stack that has full encryption and WiFi capability built in and includes hardware accelerated crypto capability (aka FastIPSec).
  • io-pkt-v6-hc: IPv6 version of the stack (includes IPv4 as part of v6) that has full encryption and WiFi capability, also with hardware accelerated crypto.

The full source for QNX's Transparent Distributed Protocol is also included in the repository. This source produces object libraries for both io-net and io-pkt, so those of you who want to build QNET for io-net can also use the source base here.

If you're looking for source, take a look at the Quick Guide to the Networking Source.

Development Plans#

Core Networking 6.4 is slated for release early next year. For more details, check out the Networking Roadmap. The initial release will include only those utilities which have been altered to allow correct operation with io-pkt. In many cases the new utilities will not work with io-net because they include enhanced features not supported by the old stack. After the initial release has been branched for release, we will start pulling the source for the remainder of the networking utilities which weren't included as part of the initial release into the repository. The goal is to have all networking related source code pulled into the public repository for early next year.

Technology Focus#

The following pages cover some of the key areas in technology in the Core Networking 6.4.0 release

For Developers#

Migration from io-net#

For people using the BSD socket interface, there should be no change required in your application to work with the new stack. The socket interface is designed to be binary compatible with the original io-net socket library so you shouldn't have to even re-compile your application. For those that are more intimately tied to the stack binary itself (e.g. those with their own protocols, filters or converters), then you'll have some re-writing to do to work into the new stack. The good news is that, with the stack upgraded and compatible with the latest rev of NetBSD, you may be able to use more portable interfaces for your application than were available for io-net before (e.g. Berkley Packet Filter interface and the PF interface). Details on migration issues are covered in the io-net migration wiki page.

Driver Development#

There are three "types" of drivers supported by Core Networking 6.4.0. These are "native drivers" (drivers written and optimised for use with Core Networking 6.4.0), "io-net drivers" (drivers written for the io-net networking stack) and "NetBSD ported drivers" (drivers taken from the NetBSD source base and ported over without the addition of Core Networking 6.4.0 optimisations / feature updates). Details on these driver types are covered in the Network Drivers. Note that Core Networking drivers are differentiated from io-net drivers via the name (they start with devnp rather than devn). This lets io-net / io-pkt drivers with the same root name to co-exist on the same system.

As a side note, there are some drivers which will not be available as source code drops due to non-disclosure agreements. Some of these drivers (e.g. some of the WiFi drivers) can't be included as binary drops on this site due to licensing restrictions (since they require specific acceptance of a licensing agreement). These drivers will, however, be included as part of official betas and as part of the GA release of the product.


One of the really cool things about the way that the stack executes as a separate process inside of the operating system is that you can use a working version of the stack (including the previous generation io-net stack) to debug a non-working stack (or driver). If you start one stack in the "normal" way and start the second stack with the -ptcpip prefix=


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