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wiki1874: DebuggerFAQ (Version 2)

Qnx Debugger FAQ#

Q: Why debugger does not stop on breakpoints in my shared library code?#

Usually because gdb cannot load symbols for this library. To check this open Modules view and if you see your library there without a bug icon - symbols are not loaded

Q: Why debugger would not load symbols for my shared library?#

First, it needs to find this library in your shared library path on a host side. You usually have to explicitly specify this in the Shared Libraries tab in the Debug tab of the launch configuration. Second, library file name must be the same as soname with "lib" prefix. You can check soname if you open Properties view on library (.so file) or open it in Binary editor. If you have soname as and library called gdb cannot match it (because of extra version number). To avoid this problem for debugging purposes do not use so version number when you generate so name for your library.

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