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wiki2132: InitialPrototype (Version 2)

Dtrace Initial Prototype#

Our initial prototype is based on the idea of seeing what we can do. There are many dirty hacks - these will be cleaned up in the slower, more careful port going on in the trunk. In the meantime, this is a good place to get your feet wet and try to crash your kernel.

Get the source#

The source for the prototype lives in it's own branch (branches/old_dev_dtrace) - you can find it here

Build the source#

You will need to setup a staging directory. See this page for guidelines on how to do this. Right now it's not recommend you share a staging dir with the coreos project, since the new elf headers probably won't work quite right.
Then - just type make CPULIST=x86 install (note that only x86 works right now). If all goes well you should end up with


Run it!#

This prototype actually runs the dtrace code in a resource manager. It's quaintly named io-dtrace. This needs to be run before the dtrace utility will actually do anything much. You can list the available probes with

# dtrace -l

Try this one

# dtrace -n "kercalls::enter { @count[execname,probefunc] = count(); }

and then wait a while and hit ctrl-c