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wiki4027: Nto641TiOmap3530BeagleTrunkReleasenotes (Version 15)

Release Notes for the QNX Neutrino 6.4.1 BSP for OMAP3530 Beagle Board#

System requirements#

Target system#

  • QNX Neutrino RTOS 6.4.1
  • Board version: OMAP3530 Beagle board Rev B or rev C
  • ROM Monitor version: Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.2, U-Boot 2009.01
  • Micron Package-On-Package MT29C2G48MAKLCJI-6 IT: Comprises of 2Gb NAND x 16 (256MB) and 2Gb MDDR SDRAM x32 (256MB @ 166MHz)

Host development system#

  • QNX Momentics 6.4.1
  • Terminal emulation program (Qtalk, Momentics IDE Terminal, tip, HyperTerminal, etc.)
  • RS-232 serial port
  • NULL-modem serial cable
  • Ethernet link

System Layout#

The tables below depict the memory layout for the image and for the flash.

OS image loaded at: 0x80100000

The interrupt vector table can be found in the buildfile located at src/hardware/startup/boards/omap3530/

Getting Started#

Step 1: Connect your hardware#

  • Connect the serial cable to the serial port on OMAP3530 Beagle Board to the first serial port of your host machine (e.g. ser1 on a Neutrino host).
  • If you have a Neutrino host with a serial mouse, you may have to move the mouse to the second serial port on your host, because some terminal programs require the first serial port.

Step 2: Build the BSP#

You can build a BSP OS image from the source code or the binary components contained in a BSP package. For instructions about building a BSP OS image, please refer to the chapter Working with a BSP in the Building Embedded Systems manual.

Step 3: Transfer the OS image to the target using the ROM monitor#

On your host machine, start your favorite terminal program with these settings:
  • Baud: 115200
  • Bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity: none
  • Flow control: none

Setting up the environment#

For OMAP3530 Beagle Board#

Apply power to the target board. You should see output on your terminal console, similar to the following:

Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.2 (Feb 19 2009 - 12:01:24)
Reading boot sector
Loading u-boot.bin from nand

U-Boot 1.3.3 (Jul 10 2008 - 16:33:09)

U-Boot 2009.01-dirty (Feb 19 2009 - 12:22:31)

I2C:   ready
OMAP3530-GP rev 2, CPU-OPP2 L3-165MHz
OMAP3 Beagle board + LPDDR/NAND
DRAM:  256 MB
NAND:  256 MiB
MUSB: using high speed
In:    serial usbtty
Out:   serial usbtty
Err:   serial usbtty
Board revision C
Serial #7842000300000000040323090b017014
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

SD card download#

OMAP3 # mmcinit; fatload mmc 0 0x80100000 ifs-omap3530-beagle.bin; go 80100000

At this point you should see the ROM monitor download the boot image, indicated by a series of number signs. You'll also see output similar to this when it completes downloading:

reading ifs-omap3530-beagle.bin

1633308 bytes read
## Starting application at 0x80100000 ...
CPU0: L1 Icache: 256x64
CPU0: L1 Dcache: 256x64 WB
CPU0: L2 Dcache: 4096x64 WB
CPU0: VFP 410330c1
CPU0: 411fc083: Cortex A8 rev 3 500MHz

System page at phys:80010000 user:fc404000 kern:fc404000
Starting next program at vfe046f9c
cpu_startnext: cpu0 -> fe046f9c
VFPv3: fpsid=410330c1
coproc_attach(10): replacing fe0748e4 with fe074130
coproc_attach(11): replacing fe0748e4 with fe074130
Welcome to QNX Neutrino 6.4.1 on the Texas Instruments OMAP3530 (ARMv7 Cortex-A8 core) - Beagle Board

Now you can test the OS, simply by executing any shell builtin command or any command residing within the OS image (e.g. ls).

Flashing the IPL on to the target#

Step A: Creat the IPL image#

Run the mkflashimage script, inside the /images directory of the BSP. The output file from this script is a binary IPL image called ipl-omap3530beagle.bin and nand-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin.

First, you'll download ipl-omap3530beagle.bin file to the board's memory using the pserial tools, and then you can burn the ifs image ifs-omap3530-beagle.bin and NAND IPL image nand-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin into the board's NAND flash. The IPL is padded to 24K.

The following steps describes how to generate the ipl-omap3530evm.bin and nand-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin:

  • generates a bin format OS image called ifs-omap3530-beagle.bin using the file
  • Convert IPL NAND boot header into Binary format
  • Convert IPL into Binary format
  • Cat NAND boot header and ipl together
  • Pad Binary IPL to 24K image, this is the image used by boot from UART
  • Pad Binary IPL with Header to 24K image, this is the image to put on NAND and boot from NAND

Here is the mkflashimage script:

# script to build a binary IPL and boot image for the  OMAP3530 Beagle board
set -v
# Convert IPL header into Binary format
${QNX_HOST}/usr/bin/ntoarm-objcopy --input-format=elf32-littlearm --output-format=binary ../src/hardware/ipl/boards/omap3530beagle/arm/le/boot_header.o ./tmp-boot-header.bin

# Convert IPL into Binary format
${QNX_HOST}/usr/bin/ntoarm-objcopy --input-format=elf32-littlearm --output-format=binary ../src/hardware/ipl/boards/omap3530beagle/arm/le/ipl-omap3530beagle ./tmp-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin

# Cat boot header and ipl together
cat ./tmp-boot-header.bin ./tmp-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin > ./tmp-header-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin

# Pad Binary IPL to 24K image, this is the image used by boot from UART
mkrec -s24k -ffull -r ./tmp-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin > ./ipl-omap3530beagle.bin

# Pad Binary IPL with Header to 24K image, this is the image to put on NAND and boot from NAND
mkrec -s24k -ffull -r ./tmp-header-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin > ./nand-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin

# clean up temporary files
rm -f tmp*.bin

echo "done!!!!!!!"

Step B: Booting an IPL image: ipl-omap3530beagle.bin using the pserial tools.#

The following procedure describes how to booting an IPL image using the pserial tool. The working directory is C:/omap3530-beagle/.

1. Dowload the pserial tool to c:/tools.

Note: You can download omap-u-boot-utils from U-Boot utilities includes the pserial tool.

2. Turn OFF the Omap3530 Beagle Board by unplugging the power adapter, and close any open serial terminal programs. Connect a RS232 null modem cable between the host and the RS232 connector (UART3 Debug/Boot) on the OMAP35x Beagle Board base board.

3.In Windows Command Prompt console,

c:\tools>pserial.exe -p COM1 -f /omap3530-beagle/ipl-omap3530beagle.bin
Waiting For Device ASIC ID: Press Ctrl+C to stop

4. Push the user button, and plug in the power adapter. In Windows Command Prompt console,

c:\tools>pserial.exe -p COM1 -f /omap3530-beagle/ipl-omap3530beagle.bin
Waiting For Device ASIC ID: Press Ctrl+C to stop
ASIC ID Detected.
Sending 2ndFile:
Downloading file: 100.000% completed(24576/24576 bytes)
File download completed.

5. Open a serial terminal program, the following message will display:

QNX Neutrino Initial Program Loader for Texas Instruments OMAP3530 Beagle Board

Press 'D' for serial download, using the 'sendnto' utility
Press 'F' to boot an OS image from NAND flash
Press 'U' to Copy an OS image to NAND flash
Press 'I' to Update the IPL

Step C: Download NAND IPL image and OS image #

1. Start the QNX Momentics IDE on the host.

2. Open a terminal server window. See the IDE documentation for details.

3.Type I to update the IPL in the NAND flash.

6. In the terminal server window, click the "send file" button in the upper left corner. A popup window will open. Type or browse the correct image file name (nand-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin) in the "Filename" box and sendto as the proctocol. Click OK to start the download on the host side.

or using the QNX 'sendnto' utility: sendnto -d/dev/ser1 -b115200 ./nand-ipl-omap3530beagle.bin to download image

7. After the download process finishes, You should see output similar to the following:

Press 'D' for serial download, using the 'sendnto' utility
Press 'F' to boot an OS image from NAND flash
Press 'U' to Copy an OS image to NAND flash
Press 'I' to Update the IPL
Send the IPL image, using the 'sendnto' utility...
Download OK...
Writing IPL to NAND flash @ blk0 ......
Update IPL OK

Press 'D' for serial download, using the 'sendnto' utility
Press 'F' to boot an OS image from NAND flash
Press 'U' to Copy an OS image to NAND flash
Press 'I' to Update the IPL

8.Type U to copy the OS image to the NAND flash.

9. In the terminal server window, click the "send file" button in the upper left corner. A popup window will open. Type or browse the correct image file name (ifs-omap3530-beagle.bin) in the "Filename" box and sendto as the proctocol. Click OK to start the download on the host side.

or using the QNX 'sendnto' utility: sendnto -d/dev/ser1 -b115200 ./ifs-omap3530-beagle.bin to download image

10. After the download process finishes, You should see output similar to the following:

Press 'D' for serial download, using the 'sendnto' utility
Press 'F' to boot an OS image from NAND flash
Press 'U' to Copy an OS image to NAND flash
Press 'I' to Update the IPL
send the ifs now...
download OK...
Writing IFS image to NAND flash from block 4 ......
Upgrade IFS OK...

Press 'D' for serial download, using the 'sendnto' utility
Press 'F' to boot an OS image from NAND flash
Press 'U' to Copy an OS image to NAND flash
Press 'I' to Update the IPL

11.Type F ' to boot an OS image from NAND flash. You should see output similar to the following:

reading from NAND flash ........
Found image               @ 0x84000008
Jumping to startup        @ 0x80100480

CPU0: L1 Icache: 256x64
CPU0: L1 Dcache: 256x64 WB
CPU0: L2 Dcache: 4096x64 WB
CPU0: VFP 410330c1
CPU0: 411fc083: Cortex A8 rev 3 500MHz
 EHCI_ViewPort_write timeout 82870090
 EHCI_ViewPort_write timeout 82870090

System page at phys:80010000 user:fc404000 kern:fc404000
Starting next program at vfe047f9c
cpu_startnext: cpu0 -> fe047f9c
VFPv3: fpsid=410330c1
coproc_attach(10): replacing fe0758e4 with fe075130
coproc_attach(11): replacing fe0758e4 with fe075130
Welcome to QNX Neutrino 6.4.1 on the Texas Instruments OMAP3530 (ARMv7 Cortex-A8 core) - Beagle Board

Creating a new flash partition#

  • Enter the following command to start the flash filesystem driver: fs-etfs-omap3530 -r65536 -m /fs/etfs
  • Stop the filesystem on the device: etfsctl -d /dev/etfs2 -s
  • Erase the etfs2 partition: etfsctl -d /dev/etfs2 -e
  • Format the filesystem: etfsctl -d /dev/etfs2 -f
  • Make the filesystem continue: etfsctl -d /dev/etfs2 -c

You should now have a /fs/etfs directory which you can copy files to.

Summary of driver commands#

The following tables summarize the commands to launch the various drivers.

For the OMAP3530 Beagle board #

ComponentBuildfile CommandRequired BinariesRequired LibrariesSource Location
Startup startup-omap3530 -L 0x87E00000,0x200000 -v -D8250.0x49020000^2.0.48000000.16 beagle . . src/hardware/startup/boards/omap3530
Serial devc-seromap -e -F -b115200 -c48000000/16 0x49020000^2,74 devc-seromap . src/hardware/devc/seromap
Nand Flash fs-etfs-omap3530_micron -r65536 -m /fs/etfs fs-etfs-omap3530_micron
. src/hardware/etfs/nand2048/omap3530_micron
I2C i2c-omap35xx i2c-omap35xx . src/hardware/i2c/omap35xx
SPI spi-master -d omap3530 spi-master src/hardware/spi/omap3530
USB OTG Host io-usb -domap3530-mg ioport=0x480ab000,irq=92 io-usb
prebuilt only
USB EHCI Host(For Rev C board) io-usb -dehci-omap3 ioport=0x48064800,irq=77 io-usb
prebuilt only
SD card devb-mmcsd-beagle cam quiet blk cache=2m mmcsd noac12 devb-mmcsd-beagle
Audio io-audio -domap35xx-twl4030 resource_seed
Graphics io-display -dvid=0,did=0 omap35xx.conf
WIFI io-pkt-v4 -d /proc/boot/ dir=/root/io-pkt,verbose=1,poll=0 -p tcpip mclbytes=4096,stacksize=65000 random io-pkt-v4
prebuilt only
SGX Graphics Accelerator driver pvrsrvd pvrsrvd
prebuilt only

Some of the drivers are commented out in the default buildfile. To use the drivers in the target hardware, you'll need to uncomment them in your buildfile, rebuild the image, and load the image into the board.

SD card #

 devb-mmcsd-omap3 cam quiet blk cache=2m
Note: To start the audio system, you'll need to execute resource_seed, the I2C driver and pmic_tw4030_cfg utility first


io-audio -domap35xx-twl4030
wave testfile.wav
Note: To start the audio system, you'll need to execute resource_seed, the I2C driver and pmic_tw4030_cfg utility first



io-display  -dvid=0,did=0
Note: To start the audio system, you'll need to execute the I2C driver and pmic_tw4030_cfg utility first

USB OTG Host Controller driver#


io-usb -domap3530-mg ioport=0x480ab000,irq=92 -dehci-omap3 ioport=0x48064800,irq=77,verbose=5


1. Min A to min B usb cable is required.

2. Connect to the micro usb adapter as we do not support the larger one yet.

3. Press and hold the S1 (User) button at power up or reset until board starts booting (~1 sec).

4. May need to power cycle board to get S1 (User) button working depending on how/if the power management chip has been reconfigured.

5. Start io-usb with the stock options from the bsp build file.

WiFI driver #


        ## WIFI start ram filesystem 
	devb-ram ram capacity=16384,nodinit,cache=0m
	waitfor /dev/hd0
	fdisk /dev/hd0 add -t 6
	mount -e /dev/hd0
	mkdosfs /dev/hd0t6
	mount -t dos /dev/hd0t6 /fsram	
       	## SDIO WIFI driver
	## Note: please insert SDIO WIFI card. and then run ". ./root/"  


        io-pkt-v4 -d /proc/boot/ dir=/root/io-pkt,verbose=1,poll=0 -p tcpip mclbytes=4096,stacksize=65000 random
	ifconfig mv0 up
	wpa_supplicant  -Dwext -imv0 -C /fsram/tmpfs &
	wpa_cli -i mv0 -p /fsram/tmpfs

Note: please refer to WIFI_HOW_TO_RUN.txt which is included in the BSP

SGX Graphics Accelerator driver#



1. io-display have to run first

2. The Composition_Manager patch:patch-641-1672-CompositionMgr.tar need be install first.

  • You can get the composition manager patch : patch-641-1672-CompositionMgr.tgz here.
  • To install the patch-641-1672-CompositionMgr.tar in the Beagle board BSP's prebuilt directory:
    # cd beagle_workdir
    # tar -xvf patch-641-1672-CompositionMgr.tar
    # cd patches/641-1672/target/qnx6
    # cp -r armle ../../../../prebuilt/
    # cd beagle_workdir
    # make clean all

3. For the detailed documents about the composition_manager and SGX Graphics Accelerator, you can refer to

Known issues for this BSP#

  • Temporary override: Use an updated version of armv_chip_a8.c file which has a FIXME that disables the branch target cache, as this seems to induce application crashes.
  • USB Host - the USB-OTG port on the EVM does not provide a sufficient vbus to power attached devices. A powered USB hub is preferred.
  • When this BSP Build in the IDE 4.6.0,dhcp.client, sd8686.bin, helper_sd.bin etc. files are unable to be found in the search paths. This issue will be fixed in IDE 4.7. Workaround: Modify the QNX C/C++ Project Properties of these files to provide the absolute location for them.
  • SGX can lock up the board when multiple accelarated applications are run concurrently, run one at a time.
  • Since there is no any SPI interface on the beagle board, this SPI driver wasn’t tested on the Beagle board. It was only tested on the OMAP3530 Mistral board
  • USB-OTG: Some SanDisk Cruzer devices do not operate reliably on the OTG interface.
  • USB-OTG: A D-Link DUB E-100 USB to Ethernet adapter did not operate reliably on the OTG interface.

Active Tab Versions Inactive Tab - left sideAssociations Inactive Tab - left sideAttachments Inactive Tab - left sideBack LinksInactive Tab - right side  
    Version From To Version Comment Created By
    Version 19 open in same window/tab Bert Gemin(deleted)  -  05/25/2010
    Version 18 move to 1.0.0 release notes. Bert Gemin(deleted)  -  05/25/2010
    Version 17 Ref 76049: fix mmcsd driver name. Andre Paquette(deleted)  -  04/26/2010
    Version 16 Point to new AM/OMAP boot resource page. Andre Paquette(deleted)  -  04/22/2010
    Version 15 Sync release notes with build file. Andre Paquette(deleted)  -  04/22/2010
    Version 14 Ref 76047 & 76107: Add notes about device problems on USB-OTG interface. Andre Paquette(deleted)  -  04/20/2010
    Version 13 John McCarthy  -  04/12/2010
    Version 12 Ref #74413: fix a few minor errors. Andre Paquette(deleted)  -  03/17/2010
    Version 11 add the pserial tools link Jian Wu  -  03/11/2010
    Version 10 add SGX known issue Jian Wu  -  02/22/2010
    Version 9 Add SPI driver and a known issue for SPI Jian Wu  -  01/28/2010
    Version 8 correct sd driver name Jian Wu  -  01/25/2010
    Version 7 update the SGX patches' links Jian Wu  -  01/14/2010
    Version 6 Add a IDE 4.6.0 build issue as the known issue Jian Wu  -  01/13/2010
    Version 5 remove the known issue for IDE devg driver build Jian Wu  -  01/13/2010
    Version 4 Add the link for the composition_manager and SGX Graphics Accelerator Jian Wu  -  01/08/2010
    Version 3 add SGX Graphics Accelerator driver Jian Wu  -  01/07/2010
    Version 2 create Bert Gemin(deleted)  -  01/04/2010
    Version 1 create Bert Gemin(deleted)  -  11/16/2009