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File Systems : Project overview#

The file systems project manages the development of file systems and utilities that are part of the QNX® Neutrino® Realtime Operating System. Hardware drivers for devb-xxx, devf-xxx and ETFS will be made public on the BSP and Drivers projects soon.

Among the included file systems are :

Read The Legal Stuff : License(s)#

The software includes encryption technology that may be controlled for import, export or other purposes under the laws and regulations of various countries. This software may not be downloaded or transferred to: (i) any country prohibited by United States and/or Canadian laws and regulations (presently Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Sudan and Syria); (ii) any person or entity prohibited from receiving United States and/or Canadian exports (including, but not limited to, those involved with missile technology or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons); or (iii) any country which requires an import or use permit for encryption technology.