wiki2810: AddingABSPToFoundry27 (Version 3)

Adding a BSP to Foundry27#

This page presents how to add a BSP to Foundry27.
  • Add an entry for the target board to the BSP Directory and Available 6.4 BSPs
    • Last Update column should be updated. Use red bold style to show a new update.
    • Board column should filled with a link to a wiki page specific to the board:
      • Link name should be the board identifier: <vendor> <processor> <board>. e.g. Freescale i.MX31 ADS
      • Linked page name should be the board identifier in small caps and separated by dashes: <vendor>-<processor>-<board> e.g. freescale-i.mx31-ads
    • Momentics version column should be filled with a single dot (.)
    • Processors column should be filled with the name of the processor
    • License(s) column should be filled with a single dot (.)
    • Support column should be filled with a single dot (.)
  • Fill the board wiki page as follows: (use an existing page as a template e.g. Freescale i.MX31 ADS)
    • Title should be the board identifier followed by "Board Support Package": e.g. Freescale i.MX31 ADS Board Support Package
    • Create releases sections
      • Create a "QNX Neutrino Trunk" release section where BSP builds built against the trunk version of QNX Neutrino libraries are referenced.
      • Create a "QNX Neutrino <version>" release section where BSP builds built against the libraries of QNX Neutrino version <version> are referenced.
      • For each release include:
        • Date column is either "latest" for Trunk builds or the date of release
        • Version column is either "trunk" for Trunk builds or the version of the BSP
        • Prerequisites column present the development suite and additional packages required to build the BSP, including version
        • Installation Notes column should point to the installation notes for the BSP, usually generic (Trunk Generic Notes or 6.4.0 Generic Notes)
        • Release Notes column should point to a page created for that specific release of the BSP. See BSP Release Notes Guidelines.
          • Link name should be "here"
          • The name of the linked-to page should be <nto-version>-<board-identifier>-<version>-releasenotes in small caps and separated by dashes (-). e.g. ntotrunk-freescale-i.mx31ads-trunk-releasenotes or nto640-freescale-i.mx31ads-trunk-releasenotes
        • License(s) column should be the licenses under which the various components of the BSP are released. Source is generally Apache II, but prebuilt components are most often QDL.
        • Support column should be "Experimental" unless the BSP has been officially fully tested by QNX and is supported QNX, in which case "QNX" should be entered
        • Provider column should specify who developed the BSP
        • Download column should reference the location where the BSP can be downloaded from. Enter "QNX Download Center" or "Project Downloads" depending on where the BSP available from. New BSPs will generally be available from the latter.
        • Source Tag column references a tag in Subversion that includes the source code of the release.
  • Create a Features section
    • List features that are completed or are scheduled
      • Planned Availability should be "Completed" of a month (e.g. Oct/08)
      • Format should be SRC and/or BIN depending on whether the latest version is available in source and/or binary format.
      • Notes should provide details about the hardware support that's implemented in the latest version
    • Create a Change History section for each supported Neutrino version
      • Add a subsection for each available version of the BSP
      • If commits are duplicated across versions, in the latest version enter: "Same as <bsp-name>" e.g. Same as QNX Neutrino 6.4.0 BSP for Freescale i.MX31 ADS Trunk
      • If created from a previous version of the BSP enter: "Created from <bsp-name> e.g. Created from QNX Neutrino 6.3.2 BSP for Freescale i.MX31 ADS 1.1.0
      • For initial releases, add the initial set of features supported by the BSP
  • Create a package in the Project Download (e.g. Freescale i.MX31 ADS)
    • Package name should be the board identifier: <vendor> <processor> <board> (e.g. Freescale i.MX31 ADS)
    • Description should be "<board-identifier> Board Support Packages" followed by a link to the board wiki page e.g. Freescale i.MX31 ADS Board Support Packages </n></n>See wiki page at
    • Create a release for each available version of the BSP
      • Name the release bsp-<nto-version>-<board-identifier>-<version>; all in small caps and dash-separated. e.g. bsp-nto640-freescale-i.mx31-ads-trunk or bsp-ntotrunk-freescale-i.mx31-ads-trunk
      • Examples of description:
        • ntotrunk BSP: Latest build of the BSP for the Freescale i.MX31 ADS running on the trunk build of QNX Neutrino
        • nto640 BSP: Latest build of the QNX Neutrino 6.4.0 BSP for the Freescale i.MX31 ADS
        • Supported BSP: QNX Neutrino 6.4.0 BSP for Freescale i.MX31 ADS 1.0.0
        • Experimental BSP: Experimental version of the QNX Neutrino 6.3.2 BSP for Freescale i.MX31 ADS 1.1.0
      • Maturity:
        • trunk BSP: Development build
        • Supported BSP: General Availability
        • Experimental BSP: Prototype

Versions Associations Attachments Back Links