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wiki1361: WikiHintAndTips (Version 3)

Wiki hints and tips#

This page provides various information to help authoring wiki content within the foundry.

Whats here:

  • Linking without launching another browser instance
  • When to use attachment over Documents section
  • Adding style to your wiki page
  • Escaping wikitext
  • making links to source
  • Deleting attachments
  • Deleting the history of a wikipage

Linking without launching another browser instance#

Linking to wiki pages should not require a new browser instance. Make sure not to use full URL and instead use the page name. It has been observed that the wiki sometimes takes a few minutes to make that link work... (don't ask why...) If the link does not work, wait a few minutes and refresh the page...

Linking to any other URL seems to open a new browser instance. A question has been sent to Collab regarding this behaviour and we hope to get a workaround soon...

When to use attachment over Documents section#

Attachment should only be used to attach content solely required to help the rendering of the wiki page. e.g. images

Files that can be accessed outside of the scope of the wiki page, such as articles, should be in the project Documents section.

Adding style to your wiki page#

The wiki supports some of CSS tags. This allows you to control where information appears; color, font size, etc...

The syntax is: <css-attribute-n> : <css-value-n> ;) text
<css-attribute-n> is a CSS style sheet attribute. Quick list is available from here.
<css-value-1>;) is the value for the CSS attribute


%%( color: red;)Text%% 

will output: Text

Escaping wikitext#

This wiki engine like to take c-function names like "ThreadDestroy()" and turn it into a link. While you can use triple curly braces to escape wiki test, the three open curlies force a newline, messing up your formatting. So:

To get                 use wikitext
DestroyThread()        ~DestroyThread()
__ker_exit()           ~__ker_exit() 
[parameter]            [[parameter]  or ~[parameter] 

making links to source#

It's a good idea to put a link to specific source files in our external source tree from any wikipage talking about specific software. Just:

  1. Use the "Source Code" link at the top for the current project page to get to the source tree for that project.
  2. Browse to the specific source file. You'll see the log entries.
  3. Browse to the latest revision.
  4. Copy the URL and paste it into a Wikilink on your Wikipage.

Easy. Except that:

The link you pasted will have parameters like:

http:// ...?root=coreos_pub&rev=1233&system=exsy1001&view=markup

The "&rev=1233" term will cause this link to always jump to that revision, even if it's been made obsolete by a newer one.

To always point to the latest rev of a file, delete the "&rev=nnnn" term from the URL.

Deleting attachments#

Normal Wiki page; the ones accessible from the "Wiki" link at the top of the page, have a "Show Details" button on the bottom right. Click the "Show Details" button. A tab control will appear; select the "Attachments" tab, select the attachments to delete, and click the "Remove" button on the bottom right.

Project home Wiki pages are a little trickier since they do not include the "Show Details" button. You have to find the page from the Wiki section. To do this, select "Wiki" link from the menu at the top, and then select the "Search Wiki Pages" link on the right. Enter "Home" in the "Search Text" field and hit the "Community Search" button on the bottom right. One of the results should be a page whose name is "Project Home Page", select the link to that page. The "Show Details" button should not be visible at the bottom. Follow the instructions above.

Deleting the history of a wiki page#

  1. Copy the source content of latest version of the page (presumably IP clean) somewhere.
  2. Delete the page using the delete button (at the bottom).
  3. Recreate the page using the same name (so links from other pages to the old page resolve to the new page).
  4. Paste the latest content back and save.