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Forum Topic - More doc suggestions: (1 Item)
More doc suggestions  
If you just download the HEAD branch as I just did, then the instructions for how to process  are slightly wrong.

After downloading, I had a directory in /root called HEAD that contains the checkout code.

So, the instructions should be:

cd HEAD/pkgsrc/bootstrap

One other minor point - in pkgsrc/bootstrap there are READMEs for many OSes, but not QNX. There is a README_QNX in 
pkgsrc i.e. the parent directory.

The README_QNX should probably be named README.QNX for consistency.

Perhaps the one in pkgsrc should exist too if it contains different information, but there should probably be a README.
QNX in the bootstrap directory.

I'd also like to see a little bit of information about what running 'bootstrap' actually does.
