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Forum Topic - Can't install selfhosted QNX 6.4.1 on PC: Page 1 of 3 (3 Items)
Can't install selfhosted QNX 6.4.1 on PC  
I am trying to install QNX 6.4.1 on PC with motherboard GIGABYTE GA-M61PME-S2 

PC is equipped with SATA hard disk. Fedora 12 Lynux installed in first 30 Gb of disk, next 5 GB free space for QNX 

1) After I select "Install to hard drive" option installer writes on screen:
Trying SATA ahci. Scanning for devices...
xpt_configure: ahci SIM attach failure

Trying EIDE. Scanning for devices...
... found 2 devices

Detected USB. Scanning for devices...
...found 4 devices

Trying SATA mvSATA. Scanning for devices...
xpt_configure: No mvSATA devices found.

Started installation is interrupted with message on screen: 
"unable to access /dev/hd0t179 
Mounting filesystems...
Partition installation aborted!
Please remove the installation media, then reboot your machine"

It is interesting that QNX file system is created on hard drive when I look at disk partitions using disk partition tool
 after reboot.

2) If I select "boot from CD" option, QNX starts normal, but no hard drive is mounted under /fs directory, only cd0. 
Also "hd0 488,395,055" is located in /dev directory. Utility hw_info_script output file attached.  

My first question: How can I install QNX on this PC or it is impossible?

My additional question: Is there any AMD x86 processor that QNX Neutrino consider to be multycore? My "AMD AthlonTM 64 
X2 4400+ dual-Core processor" QNX descryies as single core processor when boot from CD, though there is procnto-smp 
kernel image in /boot/sys/ directory.
Attachment: Text hw-info-localhost.txt 63.68 KB