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Forum Topic - Adjust PtDivider from code?: (2 Items)
Adjust PtDivider from code?  
Is it possible to set the widths of the regions controlled by a PtDivider from code? I see that the Pt_ARG_DIVIDER_SIZES
 resource is read-only. If I set the size of one (or all?) of the children, will the PtDivider get the message?

I'd like to start out with a saved configuration but allow the user to drag the divider to adjust. I would also like to 
override the PtDivider's response to a resize event from above. Rather than adjusting only the last element(s), I would 
like to keep the children in the same ratio of sizes (or perhaps a somewhat more subtle relationship, depending on the 

Can anyone suggest the best strategies for achieving this functionality?
Re: Adjust PtDivider from code?  
Yes, you can adjust the sizes of the divider's children manually.

It is fairly complex to adjust sizes of more than one/two children at the same time. There may be cases when the resize 
handle will be "running away".

You may be better off implementing a custom divider yourself, take a look at this sample:
search for "Using Hints".