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Forum Topic - QNX 6.5.0, Apache, WSGI, Django: (1 Item)
QNX 6.5.0, Apache, WSGI, Django  
Greetings community,

I have two questions.  The first is general, the second is specific.

1. Has anyone had any success implementing Django and Apache using mod_wsgi on QNX 6.5?
2. Has anyone successfully imported time through mod_wsgi?  

I have been struggling with it for a few weeks now.  I've run through all the troubleshooting guides on both mod_wsgi 
site and django's site.  They all seem to think this is trivial so I'm starting to think there must be some underlying 
incompatibility (or I'm just really bad at reading haha).

I can successfully run Apache.  I can run simple python apps via mod_wsgi, returning sys.path for example.  I can run 
simple django apps using the built in development server (python runserver).  I cannot seem to put it all 
together though.

When I attempt to put it all together, i.e. run my simple 'hello world' django app via mod_wsgi I get an error 
attempting to import the time module.  The traceback looks like...

File "/usr/pkg/share/djroot/mars/mars/", line 29, in <module>
  import django.core.handlers.wsgi
File "/usr/qnx650/hosts/qnx6/x86/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 2, in <module>
  from threading import Lock
File "/usr/qnx650/hosts/qnx6/x86/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 11, in <module>
  from time import time as _time, sleep as _sleep
ImportError: No module named time
This module imports successfully from the python command line.  Apache can't seem to load it though.  I added it to my 
simple test_mod_wsgi app and it also generated an error there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.