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wiki2282: Project Home Page (Version 18)

Multimedia Project Overview#

The QNX Aviage Multimedia Suite is a fully customizable platform for building scalable consumer-grade solutions that range from simple multimedia players to multi-console media networks with sharable media. It combines a full-featured media player with supporting multimedia software for building next-generation digital infotainment platforms and includes:

  • a sophisticated multimedia engine with configurable behavior
  • high-level HMI development supporting multiple and simultaneous use of media inputs and audio/video outputs
  • media synchronizers and fault-tolerant databases to ensure data availability
  • session management and persistence
  • software and hardware-assisted decode and encode

Technology overview#

To properly manage the wide range of media storage devices and streams available today as well as their data content requires a highly integrated and uniform software model. The QNX Aviage Multimedia Suite provides high-level control of an intelligent multimedia engine, which includes:
  • setup of device storage configuration (CDROM, USB, CDDA etc)
  • managing device insertion and removal
  • finding and itemizing media content on devices and streams
  • extracting and managing media meta-data
  • managing data persistence and media libraries
  • connecting media filters, readers, writers, decoders, encoders to inputs and outputs
  • supporting hardware-assist (eg DSPs)
  • supporting intelligent media players such as iPods, Zunes, and Certified for Windows Vista media players, including DRM content
  • supporting APIs for controlling playback of media


Source Code#

To download and build the source code, see the Source Guide

Alpha Program Downloads#

Multimedia downloads are currently restricted to participants of the Aviage MM 1.2 Alpha Program . Alpha participants should click here to access Alpha release downloads and information about the program.


The design and other important documentation will be placed on the wiki.

Read The Legal Stuff: License(s)#

The QNX source is licensed to you by QSS under the QNX Non-Commercial End User License Agreement, Commercial Software License Agreement, or Partner Software License Agreement (see

The software includes encryption technology that may be controlled for import, export or other purposes under the laws and regulations of various countries. This software may not be downloaded or transferred to: (i) any country prohibited by United States and/or Canadian laws and regulations (presently Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Sudan and Syria); (ii) any person or entity prohibited from receiving United States and/or Canadian exports (including, but not limited to, those involved with missile technology or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons); or (iii) any country which requires an import or use permit for encryption technology.