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wiki1245: CodeCoverage (Version 4)


The QNX Momentics code coverage tool is an analysis tool for measuring the amount of code executed from a running process or from the gcc coverage data files after a prodces has exited. The code coverage tool identifies areas of code that have not been exercised during testing, allowing further action to be taken, such as modifing the test suite to ensure complete test coverage, or determine whether the code is no longer required.

Since the code coverage tool is fully integrated with the IDE, developers can perform testing, optimization, and quality assurance with much less effort.

Code coverage is an essential tool for environments where testing, bug fixing, and software maintenance are handled by separate groups, who may not be involved in the original code development. Code coverage allows:


  • Launch with code coverage and immediately start monitoring an application
  • View live results of coverage, right down to the source line
  • Use the code editor to see at a glance which source lines have been, or have not been, covered
  • View the progression of code coverage over several application runs
  • Generating reports for additional analysis (HTML and XML)

CodeCoverageScreenshots/code_coverage_snapshot_small.jpg Click to enlarge
