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wiki1181: GetTheOSSource (Version 2)

Get It -- Downloading the Neutrino OS/Kernel Source#

Direct Source Repository Access#

The Neutrino OS source is maintained in a single Subversion (SVN) repository and can be checked out:

 svn checkout --username <username>

Where <username> is the username you created to register with the QNX Developer Community (myQNX). Anonymous access is not currently provided to the source repository.

An SVN command line client is included as part of the Momentics Development Environment or can be separately downloaded from

Alternate Souce Access#

At this time the Neutrino OS is only available directly from the SVN repository. At some point in the future we expect to provide regular snapshots of the source repository available in archive format.

what to checkout #

To build the kernel and the process manager, together called procnto, you much check out the entire svn tree