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wiki3478: Poulsbo_ide_compile_workaround (Version 1)

Building a Poulsbo Based BSP with IDE 4.5#

Because IDE 4.5 has a different project layout than the command line, users must set a couple extra include paths on some projects for Poulsbo based BSPs. This problem will be addressed in IDE 4.6.

  1. Import the BSP
  2. When asked if you want to "Build the projects from the imported package?", answer No
  3. Add libstartup/public to the pci-poulsbo project Extra Include Paths (see below for detailed instructions on how to add Extra Include Paths)

If you have the IPL Source package imported into IDE with your BSP:

  1. Add libipl to the fastboot_ipl project Extra Include Paths
  2. Add fastboot_ipl/public to the board specific ipl project Extra Include Paths
  3. Add fastboot_ipl/Static to the board specific ipl project Extra Library Paths (see below for detailed instructions on how to add Extra Library Paths)
  4. Open the linker script for the board specific IPL (it should be called boardname.lnk)
  5. Change the INCLUDE ../../../../../../lib/fastboot_ipl/poulsbo.lnk line to INCLUDE ../../../../project-prefix-fastboot_ipl/poulsbo.lnk, make sure to replace project-prefix with your actual project prefix.