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wiki1193: BSPAndDrivers (Version 15)

BSPs and Drivers Directory#

The BSP team is now in the process of repackaging the existing 6.3.0 SP2 and SP3 BSPs, in new platform independent installer format. These BSPs will work with release 6.3.2 with no modifications required. At the same time, we are checking whether the code in the BSPs can be distributed under the Apache II license. As we repackage the BSPs, we will add them to the download site. We will also indicate if it is Apache II compatible. The list of BSPs currently being considered for repackaging can be found here. Check back often as this will list will be updated frequently.


Board Support Packages (main BSP repository)

Download BSPs for each of the supported architectures from the following BSP posting pages:

6.3.x BSPs can now all be downloaded without having to have registered a product. Pre-6.3.x BSPs still require a valid product registration to download and install.


QNX provides a wide variety of device drivers. The list of supported devices and hardware are on the driver pages below:

A searchable database of supported HW drivers can be found here.

Drivers for a wide range of hardware are shipped with the QNX Momentics releases. Drivers are also made available in GA patches. Before being included in a release or patch, drivers will also be made available for download from their specfic driver page. To navigate to the location of a specific driver, see the release and patch driver availability page.

Driver development kits are available for audio, graphics, network, character input and USB can be found on the DDK page.