wiki3476: Nto640_fastboot_ipl_notes

Fastboot IPL Notes for Momentics 6.4 BSPs#

This guide explains how to use a Fastboot IPL Source only package with its counterpart BSP.

To access the Fastboot IPL Source package for a specific BSP, users must have signed the Intel Fastboot NDA.

Merging the BSP and IPL#

The IPL Source package is an add-on to its counterpart BSP. For this reason, you must merge the 2 packages together to be able to work with the IPL Source.

For Momentics IDE Users#

Momentics IDE cannot simply import Fastboot IPL packages into an existing BSP project. The BSP and IPL Source zip files must first be merged before the BSP/IPL can be imported into the IDE. This can simply be done by the following steps:

  1. Unzip the BSP.
  2. Unzip the IPL in the same directory as the unzipped BSP. You'll know you got it right if you now have a src/hardware/ipl directory..
  3. Zip the resulting directory ensuring that the images install prebuilt src directories appear at the root of the zip archive.
  4. Import the merged BSP into the IDE.

OR (for linux users)

Run the Nto640_fastboot_ipl_notes/ script as follows:


  • is the zip file containing the IPL source only.
  • is the zip file containing the entire BSP.
  • is the resulting zip file to be created by merging the IPL Source and BSP zip files.

You can now import the merged BSP into the IDE and refer to Building a Poulsbo Based BSP with IDE 4.5 for information on building in the IDE.

For Command Line Users#

Command line users simply need to unzip the IPL Source zip into the top level directory of the unzipped BSP package. The top level directory is the one containing the images install prebuilt src directories. You'll know you got it right if you now have a src/hardware/ipl directory.

Text [Nto640_fastboot_ipl_notes/]

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