wiki2901: Source_XML_Reference

source.xml Reference#

The IDE uses the source.xml to gather and display information about a BSP.

Here's an example for the Freescale Sandpoint board:

<!--  Unless otherwise specified, values/attributes are free-form strings   --> 
<!--  type is currently either BSP or SourceOnly   --> 
<sourcePackage type="BSP" id="bsp-freescale-sandpoint">
  <title>Freescale Sandpoint</title> 
     This package contains the source and build files for targeting QNX Neutrino on the 
     Freescale Sandpoint reference board. This includes support for the MPC750, MPC755, 
     MPC7400, MPC7410, MPC7450, MPC7447A, MPC7455, MPC8240, and MPC8245.
  <vendor>QNX Software Systems</vendor> 
  <qnxTargetCPU variant="ppcbe">PowerPC</qnxTargetCPU> 
  <!--  type is currently only import, will be extended in the future. --> 
  <bsp type="import">
    <import id="sandpoint-flash">images/</import> 
    <import id="sandpoint">src/hardware/startup/boards/sandpoint/build</import> 
    <imageCombine iplEnable="true" iplFileName="ipl-sandpoint" iplPadSize="0x2000" finalEnable="true" finalFormat="srec" /> 

Element sourcePackage#

<sourcePackage type="package-type" id="package-id">

This is the main element in the setup.xml file. It should occur only once.

 Attribute  Value
type One of BSP or SourceOnly
idpackage id - this is used by the IDE as the projects' prefix.

Board support packages should have the BSP type.

Child Elements
<description> ... </description>
<vendor> ... </vendor>
<qnxTargetVersion> ... </qnxTargetVersion>
<qnxTargetCPU> ....</qnxTargetCPU>
<bsp> ... </bsp>

Element title#

<title> bsp title </title>

This element specifies the readable package title.

Element release#

<release> release number </release>

This element specifies the package release. BSP packages are released against major versions of the QNX SDP starting at 1.0.0.

Element description#

<description> long description </description>

This element contains the long description of the BSP that is presented to the user by the IDE during import.

Element vendor#

<vendor> pretty vendor string </vendor>

This element specifies the vendor responsible for the package. Official QNX packages have QNX Software Systems in this field.

Element qnxTargetVersion#

<qnxTargetVersion> QNX SDP Version </qnxTargetVersion>

This element specifies the version of the QNX Software Development Platform that this BSP targets. BSP targeting QNX SDP 6.4.0 should have 6.4.0 here.

Element qnxTargetCPU#

<qnxTargetCPU variant="variant"> pretty variant </qnxTargetCPU>

This element specifies the variant of the target CPU, typically x86, PPC, ARM, SH

 Attribute  Value
variant  typically x86, ppcbe, armle, sh

Element bsp#

<bsp type="import"> ... </bsp>

This element provides the default configuration to the QNX System Builder.

See the Building OS and Flash Images section in the QNX Momentics Integrated Development Environment - IDE 4.5 User's Guide for an overview.

 Attribute  Value
type  Must be specified as import 

Child Elements
<import> </import>+

Element import#

<import id="build file id"> path to build file </import>

This element specifies a path to build file, which will be used as the basis to generate an image. Multiple build files can be referenced by multiple inclusions.

 Attribute  Value
id  Build file id 

Element imageCombine#

<imageCombine iplEnable="true" iplFileName="ipl filename" iplPadSize="pad size" finalEnable="true" finalFormat="format" />

This element specifies the manner in which mkrec and mkimage will be invoked. It should be specified only once.

 Attribute Value
iplEnable set to true to enable ipl inclusion in final file
iplFileName IPL filename
iplPadSize IPL padding size
efsEnable set to true to combine images
efsAlignment   blocksize used when padding files
finalEnable set to true to enable final
finalOffset final offset
finalPadding final padding size
finalFormat final format one of bin, binary, srec, full, intel  

Versions Associations Attachments Back Links  
    Version Version Comment Created By
    Version 1 Initial revision on documentation of the source.xml file used by the IDE. Dell Drummond(deleted)  -  11/11/2008