wiki1728: Mpc83xxUBootBootfileWorkaround

Booting an ifs image with U-boot 1.2 or 1.3 on an Freescale mpc83xx CPU#

Often boot-able ifs images are started from U-boot using the 'go' command. However, in the 1.2 and later versions of U-boot the data cache is left in an enabled and possibly locked state and the bat registers are configured in such a manner as to cause startup to fail.

As a work around an alternate bootfile, uboot.boot, can be used instead of modifying startup/lib or U-boot. This boot file will diable the data chache and clear the bat registers before jumping to startup.

For more information about bootfiles see the mkifs documentation in the Utilities Reference.

Compiling the uboot.boot bootfile #

The uboot.boot bootfile can be recompiled from uboot.s by the following steps:

    qcc -Vgcc_ntoppc -c -O -Wa,-I. -Wa,--defsym -Wa,VARIANT_be=1 -EB uboot.s 
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoppc -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,-Ttext -Wl,0x0 -nostartup -nostdlib    -ouboot.boot  uboot.o  -EB    
    rm uboot.o

Build a bootable ifs image using the uboot.boot bootfile #

Command Line#

  • Ensure that uboot.boot is copied to install/ppcbe/boot/sys/ under the BSP root directory, or an alternate suitable location, such as prebuilt/ppcbe/boot/sys
  • Edit the build file to set the bootfile_name of the virtual attribute of the .bootstrap file to uboot:
	[virtual=ppcbe,uboot] .bootstrap = {
  • Build the ifs image either by using make in the images directory, or by running mkifs -r../install <build file> <ifs image> e.g.
	mkifs -r../install ifs-8349mds.uboot

Momentics IDE#

  • In the QNX System Builder window select the image.
  • Change the system->boot file property to uboot by selecting the value field and typing uboot. (uboot will not be on the drop down list.)
  • Rebuild the ifs image, perhaps by selecting the project->build project menu item.

Using U-boot to Boot a bootable ifs image with the uboot.boot bootfile #

First load the ifs image in U-boot using the standard method, such as:

        => tftpboot 0x200000 <ifs image> 
        => tftpboot 0x200000 ifs-8349mds.uboot		

Then to jump to the start of the ifs image, in U-boot do:

        => go 0x200000	

An example:

U-Boot 1.3.0-rc3 (Nov  6 2007 - 09:38:18) MPC83XX

Reset Status:

CPU:   e300c1, MPC8349E, Rev: 11 at 528 MHz, CSB:  264 MHz
Board: Freescale MPC8349EMDS
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  256 MB (DDR1, 64-bit, ECC off)
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   TSEC0, TSEC1

Type run flash_nfs to mount root filesystem over NFS

Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
=> tftpboot 0x200000 ifs-8349mds.uboot
Speed: 100, full duplex
Using TSEC0 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'ifs-8349mds.uboot'.
Load address: 0x200000
Loading: #############################################
Bytes transferred = 646364 (9dcdc hex)
=> go 0x200000
## Starting application at 0x00200000 ...

System page at phys:0000c000 user:0000c000 kern:0000c000
Starting next program at v0023b240
Welcome to QNX Neutrino 6.3 on the Freescale MPC8349 MDS board

Bootfile Example uboot.s#

	.set HID0, 0x3f0

	.equ    IBAT0L, 0x211
	.equ    IBAT0U, 0x210
	.equ    IBAT1L, 0x213
	.equ    IBAT1U, 0x212
	.equ    IBAT2L, 0x215
	.equ    IBAT2U, 0x214
	.equ    IBAT3L, 0x217
	.equ    IBAT3U, 0x216
	.equ    IBAT4L, 0x231
	.equ    IBAT4U, 0x230
	.equ    IBAT5L, 0x233
	.equ    IBAT5U, 0x232
	.equ    IBAT6L, 0x235
	.equ    IBAT6U, 0x234
	.equ    IBAT7L, 0x237
	.equ    IBAT7U, 0x236

	.equ    DBAT0L, 0x219
	.equ    DBAT0U, 0x218
	.equ    DBAT1L, 0x21B
	.equ    DBAT1U, 0x21A
	.equ    DBAT2L, 0x21D
	.equ    DBAT2U, 0x21C
	.equ    DBAT3L, 0x21F
	.equ    DBAT3U, 0x21E
	.equ    DBAT4L, 0x239
	.equ    DBAT4U, 0x238
	.equ    DBAT5L, 0x23B
	.equ    DBAT5U, 0x23A
	.equ    DBAT6L, 0x23D
	.equ    DBAT6U, 0x23C
	.equ    DBAT7L, 0x23F
	.equ    DBAT7U, 0x23E

	.globl  _start

	.ascii  "["
	.ascii  " default_image=0x1f0000"
	.ascii  " attr=\"?+bigendian\""
	.ascii  " len=0x100"
	.asciz  "]"
	# Align to 4 bytes
	.byte   0

	.align  2
	.ascii  "boot"
	bl      1f      # get load base address (+4)

	# clear all bats, but 0 
	#  - we assume that the DDR is handled by [DI]BAT0[UL]

	xor     %r0, %r0, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT1U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT1L, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT2U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT2L, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT3U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT3L, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT4U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT4L, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT5U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT5L, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT6U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT6L, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT7U, %r0
	mtspr   DBAT7L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT1U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT1L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT2U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT2L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT3U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT3L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT4U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT4L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT5U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT5L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT6U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT6L, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT7U, %r0
	mtspr   IBAT7L, %r0

	# disable data cache, turn off lock

	mfspr   %r3, HID0
	lis     %r4, 0
	ori     %r4, %r4, (1 << 14) | (1 << 12)    #HID0_DCE|HID0_DLOCK
	andc    %r3, %r3, %r4
	ori     %r4, %r3, (1 << 10) # HID0_DCI
	mtspr   HID0, %r4    # sets invalidate, clears enable and lock
	mtspr   HID0, %r3    # clears invalidate
	# jump into startup

	mflr    %r31
	lwz     %r31,STARTUP_ENTRY+0x100-4(%r31)    # get start addr
	mtlr    %r31
	blr                                         # transfer into startup

Text uboot.s [Mpc83xxUBootBootfileWorkaround/uboot.s]
Text uboot.boot [Mpc83xxUBootBootfileWorkaround/uboot.boot]

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