Forum Topic - No Momentics uninstall: (7 Items)
No Momentics uninstall  
I've been dilligently searching for a few days for a way to manually remove momentics because I tried to install it 
using "kdesu /media/cdrom/momentics-6.3.2-200709062316-linux.bin" but it failed giving me an error about not finding a 
jvm, and then telling me it made no uninstall file. So, I removed the directory I tried to install momentics to, and /
etc/qnx, but now when I try to run the installer again, I get the message that "momentics is already installed" ... I 
can't remove it because there's no uninstall and "find / *|grep qnx" only returns the results on the CD ...
so, I'm looking for a way to fully remove momentics manually without re-installing debian on my machine (because I 
finally have it set up the way I like).

Thanks in advance for any help figuring this out.
Re: No Momentics uninstall  
Besides the directory you installed Momentics to (default is /opt/qnx632), and /etc/qnx, you need to remove one file 
under the "root" home directory. This file is called "" and is not meant to be edited manually but in your
 case  you can safely remove the file and run the install again.

Do you have a suitable Sun JVM installed in your Debian system?  You need a 1.5 compliant JVM to run the Momentics 6.3.2
 installation. If you have that JVM install, make sure the "java" executable is in your search path, and in the "root" 
user's search path because you need to run the install as "root".
Re: No Momentics uninstall  
Ahhh ... thank you very much. I knew it was something small and "not too straightforward" that was keeping me from 
installing this.

Yes, I have both Sun java 1.5 (sun-java5) and 1.6 (sun-java6) installed on my system. Before I try reinstalling I'll 
double check to ensure that the root user has all the appropriate classpath junk.

Again, thanks for the help, it is much appreciated.
Re: No Momentics uninstall  
hmm ... here comes the next odd part ... I didn't find any under my /root directory (root's home), so I 
did a "find / *|grep vpd" and it only came up with two unrelated man pages, /usr/bin/vpddecode and /usr/share/man/man8/
so I removed a bunch of hidden folders (that I knew were unneccesary) and still no avail.

so if is not present anywhere on the system, and I've removed /opt/qnx632 as well as /etc/qnx , what else
 could be preventing the installer from runing correctly?

Additionally, the momentics-6.3.2-xxxxxxxxxxxx-linux.bin will not run, even though it is a *.bin and it does have a+x in
 its permissions, so I was using java -jar qnx_linux_setup.jar to run the setup. I hope this sheds some light on the 
issue. Again, thanks Andy for your help, and thanks in advance for more help.
Re: No Momentics uninstall  
Please check if you still have the "QNX_HOST", "QNX_TARGET" and "QNX_CONFIGURATION" environment variables set in your 
shell. If so, remove all three env vars and run the install again.
Re: No Momentics uninstall  
Hi Aaron,

Please find script under Utilities folder on the CD.  The notes on how to use the script are also 
located in that folder.

Running the cleanup script should remove everything from unsuccessfull Momentics installation.

Hope this helps.

Re: No Momentics uninstall  
Andy: Yeah, those environment vars were still set, so I guess that's why it kept failing: thanks :)

Natalia: Thank you for that tidbit ... I didn't know that was there, and I don't know why I didn't check out the 
Utilities directory ... that would have made sense.

Who would one have to talk to to get the QNX<OS>Cleanup script mentioned in the installation/removal section of the 
momentics documentation?