Issues resolved in CollabNet TeamForge 8.2

Here's a list of few noteworthy issues fixed in TeamForge 8.2.

Logs (vamessages.log and vasession.log)

The user login (both via Web user interface and SOAP) and SVN operations are now logged in the vamessages.log file as long as you have the log level set to DEBUG mode. See Change the logging level on your site for more information about DEBUG and INFO modes.
Important: The vamessages.log file subsumes the vasession.log file. The vasession.log file has been removed.



  • Sites with huge user base and with specific site-options enabled witnessed relatively long JBoss startup time during upgrades, which is now resolved.
  • JBoss startup issue due to serial incoming requests has been resolved.
  • An issue that prevented relaying of GIT emails (GIT on a separate server) to the TeamForge application server has been resolved.


  • You can now generate tracker reports filtered by any status of your choice.
  • An issue that prevented Task Report from being exported has been resolved.
  • The Assigned To field in TeamForge reports showed the user's login username. It now shows the user's full name instead.


  • An encoding issue with the SCM Viewer that prevented .docx files from being downloaded has been resolved.
  • An issue that prevented reuse of names of previously deleted repositories has been resolved.


  • A thread lock issue (with artifact count) has been resolved.
  • Disabling and enabling flex fields on a tracker with a large number of artifacts resulted in a proxy timeout, which is now resolved.
  • The 'Calculate Points' field of a tracker, if disabled, left the 'Points' field non-updatable. This is now resolved.

Planning folder (SOAP API)

In SOAP API, the validation to ensure if the start and end dates of a child planning folder are within that of its parent folder was so far set for planning folder creation alone. This validation has now been set for planning folder move as well.

Project Home Page

Resolved an issue that resulted in an 'Invalid URL' error while trying to access the project pages in the www folder.


  • You now have the ability to exclude CCF integrated application when you create project templates from an existing project.
  • Serial attempts to export an integrated application resulted in OOME (out of memory error), which is now resolved.


  • A Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability has been fixed.
  • The LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LOCK token is used to set the permissible number of unsuccessful login attempts after which the user account is automatically locked. Unlike in the past, you can now selectively disable this feature even if you have set the REQUIRE_PASSWORD_SECURITY site options token to true. Set a negative value (such as '-1') if you want to disable this feature. For more information, see LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LOCK.
    Note: With TeamForge 8.1 and earlier versions, setting LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LOCK=-1 means the user account would be locked at the very first unsuccessful login attempt. This behavior has been removed from TeamForge 8.2 (and later).


  • An issue with branding customizations not showing up in a few pages has been resolved.
  • Tracker statuses with an apostrophe such as "Won't fix" resulted in an issue that blocked Popup dialogs in the View Artifact page, which is now resolved.


  • An issue with using double byte characters in Wiki page names (during wiki page creation) has been resolved.
  • Resolved an issue with Document and Wiki search that returned an 'Invalid search syntax' error when double quotes are used in the search text.


  • Switching Orchestrate integration off and on (exactly in that order) with TeamForge projects resulted in some issues with tracker and repository publishing activities, which is now resolved.
  • Fixed issues with menus cutting off on Orchestrate web pages.
  • Fixed a defect due to which Orchestrate-based associations to work items would be lost upon tracker/issue type change. Orchestrate now properly aggregates associations to a work item regardless of tracker/issue type changes.
  • Fixed a defect due to which Reporting API output did not interpolate TeamForge links properly.
  • Several installer and upgrade enhancements and bug fixes.


Discussion forum

Unlike in the past, if you are not logged on to TeamForge, trying to download a document with its URL takes you to the TeamForge Login page instead of throwing the 'Invalid URL' error.