Install TeamForge 8.1 with Oracle database on a separate server

In this option, we install the Oracle database (Operational database and Reports database) on a separate server and other services on the main application server.

In this option, the following services run on the application server (we call this The following service runs on the database server (we call this
Note: If either of the remote servers (the data server or the source code server) is not under your direct control, check with the Database Administrator to make sure that you can carry out these instructions on that server.

Log on to the server as root user always.

  1. Install SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 and log in as root.
    Important: Don't customize your installation. Select only the default packages list.
  2. Check your basic networking setup. See Set up networking for your TeamForge server for details.
  3. Configure your TeamForge 8.1 installation repository. See TeamForge installation repository configuration for SUSE.
  4. Install the following application packages.
    1. TeamForge: To install the TeamForge application packages run the following command:
      • zypper install teamforge
    2. GIT: To install the GIT packages run the following command.
      • zypper install teamforge-git
    3. To install Black Duck Code Sight run the following command.
      • zypper install teamforge-codesearch
  5. Rename the sample site configuration file from the installation package.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • cp conf/site-options-oracle.conf conf/site-options.conf
    Note: The files site-options-small.conf, site-options-medium.conf and site-options-large.conf contain options to tune the performance of the TeamForge site. To tune your site's performance, you can look through these files for the load specifications they are intended for, and use the appropriate one for your site's requirements.
  6. Set up your site's master configuration file.
    • vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    1. Configure the HOST token.
      HOST_localhost=app etl indexer subversion cvs
      HOST_<>=database datamart
    2. Add "gerrit" to the HOST_localhost token if you are installing GIT.
      HOST_localhost=app etl indexer subversion cvs gerrit
    3. Add "codesearch" to the HOST_localhost token if you are installing Black Duck Code Sight.
      HOST_localhost=app etl indexer subversion cvs gerrit codesearch
    4. Configure the database and datamart settings.
      Note: For more information about configuring variables, see site-options.conf
      Tip: To find the value for the token DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME log in to your Oracle server and execute this command.
      • su - oracle
      • tnsping <database_name>
      Find the value of the SERVICE NAME in the output and use this value for the DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME in the site-options.conf file.
    5. Password obfuscation

      The password obfuscation is enabled by default. As a result, all password-related tokens are encrypted in all the TeamForge configuration files.

      Restriction: The password-related tokens cannot contain the following characters in the site-options.conf file: $<>/\'"`
      • To disable password obfuscation, set OBFUSCATION_ENABLED=false.
      • To configure the obfuscation key, set OBFUSCATION_KEY=<Any AlphaNumeric value with length >= 8 bytes>. The default value of OBFUSCATION_KEY token is XSJt43wN.
    6. To enable the history protection feature of TeamForge Git integration, set the GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION=true. For more information, see GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION.
    7. Turn on the SSL for your site by editing the relevant variables in the site-options.conf file. To generate the SSL certificates, see Generate SSL certificates.
      • SSL=on
      • SSL_KEY_FILE
      Note: The SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_KEY_FILE tokens need an absolute path. The SSL_CHAIN_FILE token is optional.
    8. If the token REQUIRE_PASSWORD_SECURITY is enabled, then set a value for the token, PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE.
      The Password Control Kit (PCK) disables, deletes or expires user accounts that don't meet the password security requirements starting from the date set for the PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE token. If a date is not set, the PCK disables, deletes or expires user accounts immediately. See PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE for more information.
    9. Include the SCM_DEFAULT_SHARED_SECRET token in the site-options.conf file of the primary TeamForge server and provide it with a value of 16-24 characters. Remember to use the same key in the external SCM integration server also.
    10. If the token REQUIRE_RANDOM_ADMIN_PASSWORD is already set to true, then set the token ADMIN_EMAIL with a valid email address. ADMIN_EMAIL=root@{__APPLICATION_HOST__}
    11. If you have LDAP set up for external authentication, you must set the “REQUIRE_USER_PASSWORD_CHANGE” site options token to false.
    12. Ensure to set the token DEDICATED_INSTALL=true. This makes the installation process very simple as the TeamForge installer takes care of configuring the Apache and PostgreSQL automatically.
    13. Make sure that the following tokens have a value if ETL is enabled.
    14. Configure Black Duck Code Sight tokens if you are installing Black Duck Code Sight. See Black Duck Code Sight site-option tokens.
    15. Make sure the PostgreSQL tokens in the site-options.conf file are set as recommended in the following topic: What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
    16. Save the site-options.conf file.
  7. Note: Perform this step in case your Oracle server version is not
    Download the corresponding version of Oracle client from and run the following command:
    • zypper localinstall <path to oracle client rpm>
  8. Run the script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./
  9. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./ -r -I -V
  10. Copy the Oracle datamart setup script from /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts to the /tmp directory of
    • scp /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/ <username>@<>:/tmp

Do this on the database server

  1. Install SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 and log in as root.
    Important: Don't customize your installation. Select only the default packages list.
  2. Check your basic networking setup. See Set up networking for your TeamForge server for details.
  3. Copy the Oracle datamart setup script.
    • mkdir /u1
    • cp /tmp/ /u1
  4. Log in as Oracle user and create the site database user and permissions. See Set up an Oracle database for help.
  5. Create the reporting user and schema.
    Note: Skip this step if you have already set up the datamart setup in the Oracle database. Your responses to the script's prompts must match the values of the equivalent variables in the site-options.conf file on
    • cd /u1
    • sh

Do this on the TeamForge Application Server (

  1. Set up the initial site data (bootstrap).
    • ./
  2. Start TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet start
  3. If you have installed Black Duck Code Sight, then install the license for Black Duck Code Sight. For more information, see Install the Black Duck Code Sight license.
  4. Note: If the token REQUIRE_USER_PASSWORD_CHANGE is set to true, login to TeamForge user interface, change the admin password and then run the script.
    Run the TeamForge post installation script. For more information, see
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/
    Note: In case you face any GIT-related issues while running the script, see Post install fails for GIT. What should I do?.
  5. Restart the collabnet services.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet restart
  6. Apply some finishing touches and make sure everything is running smoothly.
    1. Reboot the server and make sure all services come up automatically at startup.
    2. Log into your site as the administrator. The value of the DOMAIN variable in the site-options.conf file is the URL to log into.
    3. Create a sample project. See Create a TeamForge project.
    4. Write a welcome message to your site's users. See Create a site-wide broadcast.