Migrating projects and categories

Here are the migration details and migration notes for projects and categories.

Migration Overview

  • The public and private projects are retained appropriately.
  • The project members in CTF 16.3 consist of users assigned a role in the current project.
    Note: In CEE, a project member must have a role whereas, in CTF 16.3, a user can be a project member without being assigned a role.
  • Locked projects in CEE are migrated as locked projects to CTF 16.3.
    Note: The locked projects seem to allow certain actions even after being locked. For example, forums can still be monitored by administrators.
  • CEE projects that are imported into CTF 16.3 can be selectively deleted, if required.
  • CEE's Project groups project is migrated as a regular project in CTF 16.3. Members of the Project groups project are migrated as it's child projects in CTF 16.3.
  • In CEE, categories could behave as projects, having tools like tracker, documents, discussion and so on. However in CTF 16.3, categories are plain containers which have projects in them, enabling any project to be placed in a category. CTF 16.3 categories do not have project tools like tracker, documents, discussions etc.
    Note: Categories from CEE to CTF 16.3 are migrated in two steps:
    • A CTF category (with the same CEE category name) is created
    • The tool data (eg. artifacts, documents, discussions etc) are migrated into a CTF 16.3 project with the CEE category name.

    Consider this example. Assuming there exists a CEE category (named - "cat") having projects (proj1, proj2) with tool data of its own (document folders: folder1, folder2). When this category is migrated to CTF 16.3, a CTF 16.3 category called "cat" is created, and the projects (proj1 and proj2) are placed in this category. Also, a CTF 16.3 project "cat" is created which holds the tool data that the category had in CEE (document folders folder1, folder2).

  • The project-subproject, category-subcategory association is maintained.

This table shows how Project fields in CEE map to Project fields in CTF 16.3:

CEE Projects CTF 16.3 Projects
Project Name Project Name
Summary Description
Parent Project Parent Project
Project Categories None
Public Project None
Project Language None
Versioning Component None
Tracking Component None
Artifact Code None
Project Owner None
Project Proposer Created by user name
Date Last Modified Date Created/Date Last Modified
Project Approver Last modified by (user)
Owner's Message None
CVS Projects None
SVN Projects None

This table shows how Category fields in CEE map to Category fields in CTF 16.3:

CEE Categories CTF 16.3 Categories
Category Name Category Name
Parent Category None
Public Category None
Use Category Index.html None
Category Language None
Initial Projects None
Use Category Home Page None


  • In CTF 16.3, unapproved projects (requested project) are just project-creation requests, with the project name and description. However, in CEE, unapproved projects can be actively used by the project creators. As the unapproved projects are conceptually different between CEE and CTF 16.3, these projects are not migrated.
  • The IsDeleted field in CTF 16.3 corresponds to whether the project is deleted or not in CEE.
  • If the project creation date is not found in the audit log, the fall-back value specified in the /opt/collabnet/cee_dump_load/conf/c6migrate.conf file is used.
  • The Date Created field in CEE does not have an equivalent field in CTF 16.3.
  • There is no default project language in CTF 16.3.
  • The monitoring feature in CTF 16.3 supports desired user notification.
  • In CTF 16.3 a project is created "Private" by default.
  • In CTF 16.3, the "Artifact Code" is constant across the site. It is not configurable project-wise.
  • In CTF 16.3, the project creator becomes default project owner.
  • CEE categories have project tools while the CTF 16.3 categories do not have tools.
  • The name of the category can be edited in CTF 16.3.
  • Only the site administrator can create project category in CTF 16.3.