Set up networking for your TeamForge server

After installing the operating system, prepare the networking connections and configuration that your TeamForge 16.10 site will require.

Note: You must have root access to all the hosts you will be setting up for your site.
  1. Use the NetworkManager to list the DNS servers you want to use for resolving Internet addresses.
  2. Open the appropriate ports, and close all other ports.
  3. Use the hostname command to verify that the machine name is resolvable on the network.
    • hostname
  4. Use the nslookup command to verify that your hostname maps to the right IP address.
    • nslookup
    • Server:
    • Address:
    Tip: If there is any doubt about what the system's real IP address is, use the /sbin/ifconfig command.
  5. If you are installing behind a proxy, specify your proxy settings.
    • export http_proxy=http://<PROXY_USERNAME>:<PROXY_PASSWD>@<PROXY_HOST>:<PROXY_PORT>
    • export no_proxy=localhost,,<hostname>
  6. Use a tool such as Nessus to scan your server for potential vulnerabilities. (See Which ports are required to be open for a TeamForge site? for detailed security recommendations.)