Create a "set a value" action

Create a "set a value" action for a an action-based dependency rule

  1. Begin a new rule.
  2. Create a new entry condition for the rule. A summary of the dependency rule is displayed. At the bottom of the page, the Actions section will state that no actions have yet been configured.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. On the Add Project Conditional Action page (if you are the Project Owner) or Add Conditional Action page (if you are a Domain Administrator), select Set a Value and Click Continue. A page containing a Target Attribute section is displayed.
  5. Select one of the following:
    • Specific - You are ready to choose a target attribute. If no attributes appear in the selection list, add attributes to this artifact type and create an attribute group that contains the artifacts. The attributes must be single-select or multi-select list type.
    • To be determined - You will choose the target attribute later. If you specify a target attribute and it is later deleted, the setting for this action automatically changes to To Be Determined.
  6. Click Continue. If the target is an input-type attribute, enter the value to set for the target attribute, and select one of the following:
    • Make Default - Sets this value if no other value has been supplied.
    • Replace Existing - Sets this value whether or not another value has already been supplied.
  7. If the target is a selection-list attribute, indicate what potential values to assign. You may either pick from a drop-down list, or if the target attribute value is a list of users, you would:
    1. Click Edit Users.
    2. On the Add Users page, Click Edit Users.
    3. Check the box next to the name for each user who you want to add.
    4. Click Add Selected to Assignee List.
    5. Click Done.
  8. In the Behavior section, specify whether the target value or values are:
    • To be added to the list.
    • To be set as the default.
    • To replace any existing values that the user supplies.
  9. Click Done. At the bottom of the page, a summary of the action is displayed. The validity field indicates if the action is complete and can be verified. If the action is valid and the conditions are valid, the rule is valid. If any part of the rule is incomplete or invalid, the rule is invalid.
You can continue to add actions or Click Done to return to the artifact type page.