How do I handle failed artifacts?

Artifacts that fail are stored in the HOSPITAL database table. Depending on the exception that caused the failure, you could re-run or continue running the connector, or replay the artifact.

Note: If the artifacts are in the correct format and the error ls in the target system, it is recommended that you replay the artifacts to solve the problem. As a general rule, do not replay artifacts when they are not in the correct format for the target system.

The following sections describe some problems you may run into, and how to get past them.

Incorrect mapping of a source and target artifact attribute

Consider an example where you incorrectly mapped a required field in the target system artifact to an optional field in the source artifact. When you run the connector, the artifacts containing a value for the required field would get shipped, while the rest would fail and get quarantined in the HOSPITAL database table.

To solve this problem, do the following:
  1. Pause synchronization.
  2. Change your mapping.
  3. Do a mass update on all source artifacts where the optional field is not set, and specify a value for that field.
  4. Resume synchronization.

Network timeout

When you encounter exceptions related to network timeouts, continue to run the connector, or re-run it to fix the problems. Replaying failed artifacts is not recommended.

Note: These exceptions can occur only if you have the retry feature of your reader and writer components turned off in the wiring configuration file. By default , this feature is enabled.

Session fault

When you encounter exceptions related to session faults, continue to run the connector, or re-run it to fix the problems. Replaying failed artifacts is not recommended.

Note: These exceptions can occur only if you have the re-login feature of your reader and writer components turned off in the wiring configuration file. By default , this feature is enabled.
For more information and examples on when to replay a failed artifact, and when to fix a problem and re-run the connector, see the section on Exception Handling Related Questions in the FAQs.