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wiki1095: Resources_nasm (Version 4)

nasm Resources#

NASM, is a free Intel x86 assembler that allows assembly applications to be ported across 32-bit x86 OSes.

User Resources#

Developer Resources#

How to build#

  1. Check out source from branch.
  2. Change directory into a build directory that matches the desired configuration. If you want the nasm executable to run on a Linux host, change into the linux-x86-o/ directory. If you desire a Windows hosted nasm executable, change into win32-x86-o/
  3. Remove any existing files with the exception of 'GNUmakefile'.
  4. Type 'make'. The build will take sometime to complete.
  5. Once make has successfully completed, if you are on a system that has write permissions on $QNX_HOST and $QNX_TARGET, switch to superuser/administrator access.
  6. Copy the nasm executable into $QNX_HOST/usr/bin/


product/trunk/tools/nasm/ 0.98.39 Active
product/branches/old/BX630_193_release/tools/nasm 0.98.35 Inactive