You can use tcpdump for this.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless network.

From: Chandramani .
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 10:14 AM
To: drivers-networking
Reply To:
Subject: Network packet analyzer utility / method in QNX


I used "netstat" utility in QNX to analyze the network packets. But, there is no option to see the timestamp, source address, destination address, ack packets while using the netstat utility.

I wanted to get the timestamp value, source & destination address, ack info etc for the network packets being exchanged on a given network interface in QNX, as we can get all this info in LINUX.

Is there any utility available in QNX for this purpose?
Or, is it possible to force network driver to print logs giving these info? (I tried verbose option for driver, but did not get any info)

Kindly advice.

Thanking you in advance.



Networking Drivers
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