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wiki7368: Qt5.3.0BuildInstructionsForQNXOS6.6

Qt 5.3.0 Build Instructions for QNX OS 6.6 #


Windows users will need the GNUWin32 version of the patch utility to apply a required source patch. You can download the GNUWin32 patch utility from: For instructions on installing the utility, click "General Installation Instructions". Please note that the installation instructions below assume that you have installed the patch utility in a location in your PATH environment variable.

Linux Build Instructions#

1. Download the Qt source package from (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.0.tar.gz).

2. Extract the Qt source package into a folder suitable for large build operations:

# tar -xvzf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.0.tar.gz

3. Source the QNX SDP 6.6 environment:

# source /opt/qnx660/

4. Run the configure script for Qt with the following arguments:

# ./configure -release -nomake tests -no-gtkstyle -opengl es2 -egl -no-cups -no-xcb -no-eglfs -no-gtkstyle -xplatform qnx-armv7le-qcc -skip qtserialport -skip qtwebkit -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtsensors 


# ./configure -release -nomake tests -no-gtkstyle -opengl es2 -egl -no-cups -no-xcb -no-eglfs -no-gtkstyle -xplatform qnx-x86-qcc -skip qtserialport -skip qtwebkit -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtsensors -skip qtmultimedia 

5. Accept the appropriate license (Commercial Edition or Open Source Edition).

6. Build the Qt binaries:

# make

7. Create and populate the Qt installation folder.

Note: For this command to succeed, you will need read/write permission to the /base/qt5-5.2 folder (if it exists) or the root file system (if /base does not exist).

# make install

Windows Build Instructions#

Note: The host binaries in the Qt development environment package provided by QNX were built using the MinGW compiler. Please ensure that the MinGW compiler and all of the Windows Build environment is configured in your system PATH before running the commands below.

1. Download the Qt source package from (

2. Extract the Qt source package into a folder suitable for large build operations (e.g., C:\Users\<username>).

3. Type the following command to set up the QNX SDP 6.6 environment:


4. Run the configure script for Qt with the following arguments:

configure  -release -nomake examples -nomake tests  -platform win32-g++ -xplatform qnx-armv7le-qcc -opengl es2 -no-cups -no-iconv -skip qtserialport -skip qtwebkit -skip qtconnectivity-skip qtsensors -mp


configure  -release -nomake examples -nomake tests  -platform win32-g++ -xplatform qnx-x86-qcc -opengl es2 -no-cups -no-iconv -skip qtserialport -skip qtwebkit -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtsensors -skip qtmultimedia -mp

5. Accept the appropriate license (Commercial Edition or Open Source Edition).

6. To build the Qt binaries, type the following command:


7. Create and populate the Qt installation folder.

Note: For this command to succeed, you will need read/write permission to the C:\QtQNX\qt5-5.2 folder (if it exists) or the C: drive (if C:\QtQNX\qt5-5.2 does not exist).

make install