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Forum Topic - Webkit and PlugIns: Page 1 of 4 (4 Items)
Webkit and PlugIns  
Hi everybody,

I am learning/trying to develop PlugIn for Webkit. And I have a problem, Webkit loads/initialize the Plugin but don't 
calls the function of the plugin. So I have tried something else. I build this Plugin for Firefox Win32 there was needet
 to create an *.xpt File which has the information what kind of funktions do the Plugin use and it has to go to the usr/
AplicationData/Mozilla/Plugins directory where also the shared *.dll of Plugin are. Then the Plugin works and the 
Browser can handle with it via JavaScript. Then I tryed it for Safary on Win32 and there I have the same problem like 
with the Webkit on QNX. 
The Plugin is loaded/initialized but no fuctions are called! 
How can I let the Webkit know what kind of Functions does the Plugin use/have, on QNX?
IfI call a function via JavaScript the return is always undefined.

Can any one help?
