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Forum Topic - Adding the _g on a library reference.: (5 Items)
Adding the _g on a library reference.  
I'm using QNX's build system for some projects.  Which, by the way, I'm starting to get a handle on it, and must say 
that I am begining to appreciate how it works.  I still get heartburn from time to time because makefiles have never 
really been something I liked....but I digress..

I have a library in and  In a QNX build project hat contains a be and be.g directory, I would like common.
mk to be able to choose the correct suffix to a library.

Right now I have in the binary's file the following line:

LIBS += mylib.

Without having to change mylib to mylib_g manually, how do I get the system to fine mylib_g?

Re: Adding the _g on a library reference.  
BTW the:

is in my shortcut bar, and I refer to it regularly, but I'm unable find where it talks about such a case, but then again
, I may be blind...

Re: Adding the _g on a library reference.  
For compiler you can't. Unless you say LIBS+= mylib_g
In IDE you can change "name" of the library thought to mylib (withou _g postfix) (it still will be in the be.g folder so
 you know it is debug).

Kevin Stallard wrote:
> I'm using QNX's build system for some projects.  Which, by the way, I'm starting to get a handle on it, and must say 
that I am begining to appreciate how it works.  I still get heartburn from time to time because makefiles have never 
really been something I liked....but I digress..
> I have a library in and  In a QNX build project hat contains a be and be.g directory, I would like common
.mk to be able to choose the correct suffix to a library.
> Right now I have in the binary's file the following line:
> LIBS += mylib.
> Without having to change mylib to mylib_g manually, how do I get the system to fine mylib_g?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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> General
Re: Adding the _g on a library reference.  
Change the line to

LIBS += mylib$(LIB_SUFFIX)

The $(LIB_SUFFIX) is populated inside
Re: Adding the _g on a library reference.  