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Forum Topic - Linker problem - can't find -lecpp - using acpp...: (3 Items)
Linker problem - can't find -lecpp - using acpp...  

A customer using 6.4 is trying to migrate their 6.3.2 codebase.

They're hitting an odd problem - despite linking against the acpp C++ stuff, the complaint is a missing -lecpp which is 
not called out in the command line.

They say that libecpp.a is not in their gcc/4.2.4 directory, while it is in 6.3.2's 2.95.3 directory. I checked, and I 
do have a libecpp,a, but why is it even being looked for if acpp is invoked ?

Is this just a known issue for RC7 ?

Any suggestions ?

Thanks !

Output is as follows
perl C:/dawn_v1/noon/etc/ "C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/obj/syscfgUtil_BldInfo.c" "syscfgUtil"

qcc  -V4.2.4,gcc_ntoppcbe_acpp C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/obj/syscfgUtil_BldInfo.c -c -o

 C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/obj/syscfgUtil_BldInfo.o  -DQNX -DQNX_ppc  -Wc,-Wall -Wc,-Wno-parentheses -Wc,-mno-fp-
moves -fexceptions -fsigned-char   -DFD_SETSIZE=512 -Wc,-Werror -Wno-write-strings -Wno-unused-value   -DQNX_ppce

QCC  -V4.2.4,gcc_ntoppcbe_acpp syscfgUtil.cpp -Wp,-MD,C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/dep/component-SysCfg-syscfgUtil.i  -
o C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/bin/syscfgUtil -g -DVARIANT_g -DQNX -DQNX_ppc  -Wc,-Wall -Wc,-Wno-parentheses -Wc,-mno-
fp-moves -fexceptions -fsigned-char   -DFD_SETSIZE=512 -Wc,-Werror -Wno-write-strings -Wno-unused-value   -DQNX_ppce -I.
 -IC:/dawn_v1/noon/src_ne/h -IC:/dawn_v1/noon/src_ne -IC:/dawn_v1/noon/src_ne/component   C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/
obj/syscfgUtil_BldInfo.o -LC:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/lib -LC:/dawn_v1/noon/3d/ppc/63lib  -static -Wl,-\( -lztrc -
lsyscfg -lOsEncap -lUtil -lztrc -lm -lc -Wl,-\)  -lzlibc

C:\QNX640\host\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntoppc-ld: cannot find -lecpp

cc: C:/QNX640/host/win32/x86/usr/bin/ntoppc-ld caught signal 1

make: *** [C:/dawn_v1/noon/pf_ne/ppc/cmn/bin/syscfgUtil] Error 1

Re: Linker problem - can't find -lecpp - using acpp...  
Dave Bott wrote:
> Hi,
> A customer using 6.4 is trying to migrate their 6.3.2 codebase.
> They're hitting an odd problem - despite linking against the acpp C++ stuff, the complaint is a missing -lecpp which 
is not called out in the command line.
> They say that libecpp.a is not in their gcc/4.2.4 directory, while it is in 6.3.2's 2.95.3 directory. I checked, and I
 do have a libecpp,a, but why is it even being looked for if acpp is invoked ?

The abridged C++ library is just libecpp + STL.

> Is this just a known issue for RC7 ?

There was a problem in the earlier milestones when the packaging of 
libcpp didn't match the gcc version but the module.tmpl on the RC7 
branch looks correct. I don't have any older milestones handy but I can 
confirm that the packaging of M9 is correct.


Ryan Mansfield

Re: Linker problem - can't find -lecpp - using acpp...  
Excellent - thanks Ryan ! Maybe they have something older, despite their claims to the contrary.

