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Forum Topic - Inter operability between RVDS generated object file and qcc generated object file: (4 Items)
Inter operability between RVDS generated object file and qcc generated object file  
I saw that RVDS and GNU generated binary are inter operable for Linux using the EABI technique. From this I understand 
that binary generated by RVCT and GCC are completely compatible through EABI. 

Does the qcc compiler provided by QNX has same functionality as that of GCC running on Linux, so that RVDS generated 
object file and qcc generated object files can be linked and can be run on QNX successfully without any isue ?
Re: Inter operability between RVDS generated object file and qcc generated object file  
On 10-08-20 08:25 AM, Girisha SG wrote:
> I saw that RVDS and GNU generated binary are inter operable for Linux using the EABI technique. From this I understand
 that binary generated by RVCT and GCC are completely compatible through EABI.
> Does the qcc compiler provided by QNX has same functionality as that of GCC running on Linux, so that RVDS generated 
object file and qcc generated object files can be linked and can be run on QNX successfully without any isue ?

This was already answered in a previous response to your question.


Ryan Mansfield
Re: Inter operability between RVDS generated object file and qcc generated object file  
A. When I compile the sources using RVCT into 4 seperate libraries a, b, c and d (EABI compatible object files are used 

for these library generation) and one main application program that uses these libraries, I am able to generte the 
executable by statically linking these libraries but when I ran on the target I am getting the following error,

Process 307216 (test.exe) terminated SIGSEGV code=1 fltno=11 ip=00102098(test.exe@_btext+0x1664) ref=0007fff8
Memory fault

B. If I compile each of them as an application I am getting the following errors while linking using ntoarm-ld

1. ..\private\OSAL\QNX\debug_support.c:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `__aeabi_stderr'

2. ..\private\OSAL\QNX\debug_support.c:(.text+0x124): undefined reference to `__aeabi_SIG_DFL'

3. ..\private\OSAL\QNX\debug_support.c:(.text+0x128): undefined reference to `__aeabi_SIGINT'

4. firC16D16Dec.o: In function `firC16D16DecCh2_32':
..\private\firC16D16Dec.c:(.text+0x5c0): undefined reference to `Overflow'

5. flpOperations.o: In function `db2linear_flp':
F:\RealViewWorkspaces\Workspace\BasicSignalProcessing\Debug/..\private\flpOperations.c:1: undefined reference to `powf'

6. flpOperations.o: In function `linear2db_flp':
F:\RealViewWorkspaces\Workspace\BasicSignalProcessing\Debug/..\private\flpOperations.c:1: undefined reference to `_FLog'

7. iirC16D16O1.o: In function `global_init_IirC16D16O1':
..\private\iirC16D16O1.c:(.text+0x224): undefined reference to `Overflow'

8. C:\QNX650\host\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntoarm-ld: Dwarf Error: Could not find abbrev number 5218.

9. C:\QNX650\host\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntoarm-ld: Dwarf Error: mangled line number section (bad file number).

10. iirC16D16O1S1.o: In function `iirC16D16O1HS1Ch2':
O1S1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_msu_16_32'
O1S1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_msu_16_32'
iirC16D16O1S1.o: In function `L_mac':
..\private\iirC16D16O1S1.c:(.text+0x66c): undefined reference to `Overflow'
iirC16D16O2.o: In function `L_mac':
..\private\iirC16D16O2.c:(.text+0x2b0): undefined reference to `Overflow'
iirC16D16O2S1.o: In function `L_mac':
..\private\iirC16D16O2S1.c:(.text+0x604): undefined reference to `Overflow'
iirC16D32O1.o: In function `iirC16D32O1':
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_mult_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_mac_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_msu_16_32'
iirC16D32O1.o: In function `iirC16D32O1Ch2':
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_mult_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_mult_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_mac_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_mac_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_msu_16_32'
O1.c:1: undefined reference to `L_msu_16_32'
meanAryD16.o: In function `meanAryD16':
..\private\meanAryD16.c:(.text+0x200): undefined reference to `Overflow'
C:\QNX650\host\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntoarm-ld: libBasicSignalProcessing_g.exe: hidd
en symbol `powf' isn't defined 
(Included the necessary header files while compiling)

11. mmixer.o: In function...
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Re: Inter operability between RVDS generated object file and qcc generated object file  
Any opinion on the previous question ?