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Forum Topic - Help needed in building cEasy project: (1 Item)
Help needed in building cEasy project  
Hi all,

I am a beginner trying to use QT for QNX development. I downloaded the example and was just trying to build the cEasy 
project as the document "using momenticcs ide with qt". I installed QT 4.8.3 mingw under Windows 7.
However, I encountered the problem at the beginning. My questions are:
1. which version of qt is the doc using? 
2. I can't find the mspecs as in the bat file is looking for: "unsupported/qws/qnx-i386-g++". The "qnx-i386-g++" was not
 in the "unsupported" folder. Is that because of the wrong version of qt?
3. when linking the project, it was looking for "libCore" ..., what I could found is only "libCore4.a" or (lib"Otherlib4
".a). I changed the name of the libs but then the link error for "undefined xxx" appeared.
Any hint to help me to start?

Thank you in advance!