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Forum Topic - Qt unable to run qtdemo: Page 1 of 8 (8 Items)
Qt unable to run qtdemo  

I have a problem running qtdemo on QNX 6.5.0 with QT4.7.1 downloaded from QNX webpage (link File Releases on this 

The QNX is a default installation on x86 pc with following pci graphic card:
Class          = Display (VGA)
Vendor ID      = 1002h, ATI Technologies Inc 
Device ID      = 5446h,  Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF
PCI index      = 0h
BAR - 0 [Mem]  = f4000000h enabled
BAR - 1 [I/O]  = d800h enabled
BAR - 2 [Mem]  = f3000000h enabled
PCI Expansion ROM = f3fe0000h disabled
PCI Int Pin    = INT A
Interrupt line = 11
CPU Interrupt  = bh

I do the following steps to start the demo:
- start QNX in text mode (no Photon running)
- login as root
- export following stuff in my .profile of root

- start qtdemo as "./qtdemo -qws"
- and get the following error:
# ./qtdemo -qws                         
QQnxScreen: Attached to Device, number of displays: 1
QQnxScreen: Attached to Display 0, resolution 1280x1024, refresh 60 Hz
qnx: driver cannot connect
Abort (core dumped) 

I also tried to run "vsync" program, which worked and printed following message:
# vsync 
Number of displays: 1
Display 0: 1280X1024, refresh = 60Hz
Number of layers: 2

My ps -A tells following (maybe something wrong is running):
# ps -A
       PID TTY          TIME CMD
         1 ?        00:23:53 procnto-smp-instr
         2 ?        00:00:00 tinit
      4099 ?        00:00:00 pci-bios
      4100 ?        00:00:00 slogger
      4101 ?        00:00:00 io-usb
      4102 ?        00:00:00 io-hid
      4103 ?        00:00:00 devc-con-hid
      8200 ?        00:00:09 devb-eide
     20489 ?        00:00:00 pipe
     24586 ?        00:00:00 mqueue
     53259 ?        00:00:00 mcd
     57356 ?        00:00:00 random
     61453 ?        00:00:00 enum-devices
    159758 ?        00:00:00 devc-ser8250
     90127 ?        00:00:00 devc-ser8250
     77840 ?        00:00:00 enum-usb
    159761 ?        00:00:00 dhcp.client
     90130 ?        00:00:00 devc-par
    167955 ?        00:00:00 devc-pty
     94228 ?        00:02:30 io-display
    110613 ?        00:00:00 io-pkt-v4-hc
    180246 ?        00:00:01 dumper
    544791 ?        00:00:00 sshd
    196632 ?        00:00:00 -sh
    196633 ?        00:00:00 login
    196634 ?        00:00:00 login
    196635 ?        00:00:00 login
    331804 ?        00:00:00 sshd
    552989 ?        00:00:00 sshd
    552990 ?        00:00:00 -sh
    712735 ?        00:00:00 sh
    794656 ?        00:00:00 ps

I also tried to slay io-display and restart it with "# io-display -d vid=0x1002,did=0x5446"

same result:
# ./qtdemo -qws" 
QQnxScreen: Attached to Device, number of displays: 1
QQnxScreen: Attached to Display 0, resolution 1280x1024, refresh 60 Hz
qnx: driver cannot connect
Abort (core dumped) 

Do somebody have any idea what could be the problem here? 
By the way: I also tried the same in VirtualBox with the same results.

Many Thanks!