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Forum Topic - TimerTree: (4 Items)
I'm trying to use a timertree for some watchdogs.
In this particular case I have 3 producers which all three have a watchdog with a certain timeout. Each instance of the 
watchdog does a Set(fire, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Watchdog::run)). And here it goes wrong. 

fire is ofcourse a PosixAPI::Timer::Reltime with different times. Set returns a timernode, but for each set it returns 
the same timernode. This should be different nodes because the timestamps are different.
When I examine the timertree, it indeed has only 1 node with 3 callbacks, instead of 3 nodes, with each 1 callback.

I can't figure out where exactly it goes wrong. Maybe somebody can get me on the right track?
Re: TimerTree  
Hi Bert,

Sorry for the delay.  Could you post your code? Meanwhile, I will write a test case for the timer tree and commit it (I 
had one, but I seem to have lost it :-(
Re: TimerTree  

I have created a test case, and reproed the issue.  Should have a fix tonight.  Sorry about that... the TimerTree has 
been neglected.

Re: TimerTree  

Any progress on the fix for the TimerTree? At the moment I've solved it differently, but it would be nice to be able to 
use it in the future.