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Forum Topic - Compiling C++ library boost 1.35.0 for QNX: (1 Item)
Compiling C++ library boost 1.35.0 for QNX  
Boost is the C++ library that make extensions of the next C++ standards available today. For more information see http:/

I would like to compile the latest boost version 1.35.0 for QNX. But in the QNX pkgsrc is only version 1.33.1. In the 
upstream pkgsrc is already version 1.34.1. The main problem is that the build process has changed between 1.33 and 1.34.
 Therefore I would like to base my work on the pkgsrc version 1.34.1.

The first step would be to update to the pkgsrc version. This can I do locally or in the QNX svn. Afterwards I would 
update the version to 1.35.0.

What changes may I put in the QNX svn repository and which ones should I leave out?
