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Forum Topic - local UDP Echo test three times slower on QNX than on Linux: Page 1 of 12 (12 Items)
local UDP Echo test three times slower on QNX than on Linux  
Hi Robert and all,

a customer recently reported that in a comparison against a Realtime Linux, a small UDP local echo test program seems to
 be almost 3 times slower on QNX 6.4. ThomasH and myself have analysed it, changed the way it measures the duration of 
single echos to use ClockCycles. The client can print a nice histogram after running.

We've taken kernel logs and analyzed them while both udp client and server ran on prio 60. I'm attaching the program 
(and the log in next post) taken on a 500 MHz x86 (there final target is an MPC 5200).

Most of the time is being spent in io-pkt. Of course the message passing brings in some overhead here for almost no data
 in the packets, but is this all? Can the programs (server and client) be optimized or are there tricks to configure io-
pkt to improve this test scenario?

- Malte
Attachment: Compressed file udp.tar 30 KB