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Forum Topic - QNET limitations: (1 Item)
QNET limitations  
Hi Everyone,

I have a prospect who would like to use QNET to distirbute image files to various QNX nodes for processing.  Prospect is
 envisioning using QNET over PCIe.  

A question about any known latencies or limitations with QNET came up.  Regarding latency, is there any measurable 
overhead with QNET beyond whatever the hardware latency may be?

As for limitations, it was brought to my attention that large file transfers over QNET can be problematic with the 
hardware (Ethernet in this case) not being able to keep up, resulting in timeouts to occur with QNET.  Would this be an 
issue over PCIe?

Finally, does anyone have or know any performance metrics of QNET over any medium as compared to other classic protocol 
transfer like TCP/IP?

