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IDE5.0 and system build  
Hi, I'm trying the new IDE5.0 and importing projects/system build projects
from IDE4.7 in the new one.
I've found some usefull things and some thing I found very usefull 
it is the text label that shows the System environment and the possibility to choose 
the system target !
But I've found that the system builder in the IDE5.0 is a bit less usefull and clear
that the 4.7 and seems to lacks some properties ...

Here some troubles :
- If I import an old system build project in the workspace ( "Import an existing project"),
  the IDE must be restarted  (troublesome thing).
  When restarted, the IDE will prompt You to converted the project in the new format.
  But when I try to build the project I will get the following error:
   Build image has encountered a problem.
   An internal error occurred during: "Build Image"
   Key 'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceImpl@3b12c6
   uri='platform:/resource/mdlcboot/src/'' not present in map"

  I've found problem related to some binary missing in the image, but missing binary
  are not immediatly evidenced as in the 4.7 IDE.
  Aftex the fixing of the problem, I have this warning:
  "SDK PDOM header index not found in QNX Software Development Platform 6.5.0"
  I do not known if I can ignore it or not.

- Just switching from "contents" to "source" will mark the file as  modified: 
   If You saves it, the next build will fail, with the following  error printed on consolle:
   Building Image: boot
   d:\QNX650\host\win32\x86\usr\bin\mkifs.exe -vvv -nn H:/testide50/wsp650/mdlcboot/src/ H:/testide50/wsp650/
   Line 10: Host file 'elf.boot' not available.

  I've not found a way to recovery. I've to delete the project and import the image again.

- If You want to to select some properties of system image like "Procnto",  "Procnto arguments", 
  the start up file specification, start up options,  aps enabling and so on, where You
  can find then?
  Trying to editing of the .build file will cause an error in the build.

- When I click on "add binary" in 4.7, I will see all binary availables for the active CPU (ppc in my case) 
  and I can browse everywhere for any other binary.
   The same operation in 5.0 will not display anything and the "add item to build file" does not find 
   anything and is impossible to manually browse for a file.

That's all for now,
M. Sangalli
Re: IDE5.0 and system build  
Hi fellow,

we have sever problems with IDE 5.0. While compiling and debugging has improved a lot, the configuration fiels are 
incompatible with earlier version. This is not a problem if everybody uses just the IDE for building projects and and 
switch to the new IDE, but if you want to use for instance mkbuild or other other commands, the same problems occurs: 
They have NOT been updated to cope with the IDE 5.0 configuration files.

Thus only switch to IDE 5.0 if you restrict the use to IDE building of projects and if everybody else uses IDE 5.0, too.
