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Forum Topic - kdRealizeWindow: (3 Items)

Hi everyone,

I try to run an OpenKode application on top of a beagle board xM by using the foundry 27  Beagleboard-xM Support Package
. Unfortunately kdRealizeWindow always returns an ENOMEM-error. Hence it seems that it doesn't have enough memory

Has anyone succeeded in running OpenKode applications on the Beagleboard-xM and might give me some hints, which 
configuration I need?

Thanks in advance,
RE: kdRealizeWindow  
I haven't worked on the Beagleboard, but I'll offer a shot in the dark.

The memory in question isn't just any memory, but it will most likely be
requesting a physically contiguous block from what is available at the
time.  If you are relatively low on memory, or if physical memory is
fragmented you will get this error.

Re: RE: kdRealizeWindow  
> If you are relatively low on memory, or if physical memory is
> fragmented you will get this error.

That is what I assume too, but perhaps there might be some settings/ideas to increase the available memory. I hope 
someone already tried openKode on the beagleboard-xM.