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Forum Topic - Flash application will not start with different user then root: (2 Items)
Flash application will not start with different user then root  
Hi everybody,

I am currently running my flash application by using /bin/flash /path/to/my/application & under my root account. This 
works fine. 

However, I now want to run my application under another non-root user called joe. So I try to start the application by 
doing /bin/on -u joe /bin/flash /path/to/my/application &.

This does not work, flash returns the following:
emerg: hmip-gf: gf_dev_attach(NULL) failed: 6   (player:1)
emerg: framebuffer alloc (1024X768) failed      (player:1)

I've added user joe to the display group in /etc/groups. However, this is seems not sufficient.

What am I missing here?

Many thanks in advance!
RE: Flash application will not start with different user then root  
Unfortunately it's been years since I've dealt with Flash.  My recollection was that you can't have non-root gf apps 
though I could be mistaken.  I'd suggest running the application under root and then perhaps running 'pidin -p <pid> 
fds' to find what paths it connects to and ensure that these paths are accessible to 'joe'.  I presume that the error 
printed out (gf_dev_attach(NULL) failed: 6) is just showing the error returned by gf_dev_attach which is GF_ERR_THREAD. 
 Maybe the underlying error would be indicated by getting errno as well (though this is probably just EPERM) which you 
could probably do if you wrote your own gf app (or just enough to find why gf_dev_attach fails when run as non-root).

Sorry I can't be more help.

From: ICT Tegema []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 8:00 AM
To: ostech-core_os
Subject: Flash application will not start with different user then root

Hi everybody,

I am currently running my flash application by using /bin/flash /path/to/my/application & under my root account. This 
works fine.

However, I now want to run my application under another non-root user called joe. So I try to start the application by 
doing /bin/on -u joe /bin/flash /path/to/my/application &.

This does not work, flash returns the following:
emerg: hmip-gf: gf_dev_attach(NULL) failed: 6   (player:1)
emerg: framebuffer alloc (1024X768) failed      (player:1)

I've added user joe to the display group in /etc/groups. However, this is seems not sufficient.

What am I missing here?

Many thanks in advance!


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