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Forum Topic - devc-serusb driver issues: (1 Item)
devc-serusb driver issues  
Hello all,

The following tests were carried out with devc-serusb that is part of QNX 6.6 installation and latest released binary in
 AST ( ALL_SRA0597 ) on i.MX6 ( armlev7 ). We are using CP2108 USB to Quad UART to communicate with hardware. The driver
 is started using the command

devc-serusb -vvvv -d vid=0x10c4,did=0xea71,module=cp210x,debug=rx|tx

Once external hardware initiates serial data, i can see it in my logic analyzer and sloginfo.  I am unable to receive 
this data from an application that opens (/dev/serusb3). My read returns zero bytes read.

Here is some sample code to setup serial fd

    termios term;
    fd = open( "/dev/serusb3", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY  );    

    if( fd != -1 )
        memset(&term, 0, sizeof(term));
        term.c_cflag     = CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; //8 Data bits
        term.c_cflag    &= ~CSTOPB;                      // 1 Stop Bit
        cfsetispeed( &term, B19200 );
        cfsetospeed( &term, B19200 );
        term.c_oflag     = 0;
        term.c_lflag     = 0;
        term.c_iflag     = IGNPAR|BRKINT;

        tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &term);
        tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
        readrv = read (fd, buff_g, sizeof(buff_g));    


readrv is 0 indicating 0 bytes read. Is their anything else that needs to be configured to force driver to push data to 
