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Forum Topic - Issue in DMA memory to peropheral transfer: (1 Item)
Issue in DMA memory to peropheral transfer  
Hello All,
I am developing a SPI Slave driver for iMX6Q processor in QNX 6.6 OS platform using the DMA library available in the BSP
.The driver uses the DMA channel 2 for the copying of data from the DMA transfer buffer to the SPI TXFIFO which moves 
out on the basis of the clock from the Master.The size of the FIFO is 64 bytes and have cofigured the TX threshold value
 as 1 which means the TX DMA request is raised for every two bytes of data in the TXFIFO.There is also a TEDEN bit 
enabled in the DMA register without which the DMA request is not been raised to copy the data from the DMA buffer to the
The burst length is configured as 8 bits as the master is a 8 bit processor. 
The CPHA is 1 and CPOL is 0.
The problem is when i try to do a transfer size of more than 64 bytes the board is hanging and need to reset the board.
I have been trying to analyse the reason for the issue but i am unable to find the reason for the same.
Attachment: Text Transmit_DMA_code.txt 3.69 KB