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Forum Topic - Unexpected result of pthread_mutex_condlock: Page 1 of 3 (3 Items)
Unexpected result of pthread_mutex_condlock  
With 6.3.2 procnto-smp on quad-core our QA managed to crash program on assert (repeatable so far) that 
pthread_cond_timedwait returns an unexpected error code.
The source lines look like this

		timespec tsStopTime;
		nsec2timespec(&tsStopTime, ullWaitStopTime);

		iWaitRes = pthread_cond_timedwait(&cv->m_cond, &cv->m_mutex, &tsStopTime);
		CHECKE(iWaitRes == EOK || iWaitRes == ETIMEDOUT);

The disassembled code is 
sub    $0x4,%esp
lea    -0x18(%ebp),%eax // struct timespec
push   %eax
pushl  -0xc(%ebp) // mutex
mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax
add    $0x8,%eax
push   %eax // condvar
call   0x804e5a8 <pthread_cond_timedwait@plt>
add    $0x10,%esp // Store result
mov    %eax,-0x10(%ebp)
cmpl   $0x0,-0x10(%ebp) // Check for EOK
je     0x82cf998 <_ZN14CPlatformUtils24WaitCondVarConditionNanoEPvy+190>
cmpl   $0x104,-0x10(%ebp) // Check for ETIMEDOUT
je     0x82cf998 <_ZN14CPlatformUtils24WaitCondVarConditionNanoEPvy+190>
sub    $0xc,%esp // Fail assertion check
push   $0x0
push   $0x1
push   $0x836e4c0
push   $0x619
push   $0x836e9c0
call   0x82ca788 <_Z11assert_failPKciS0_bi>

So, the result is stored on stack but there is really not much time and chances for it to get corrupted, + values of 
stack variables before and after -0x10+$ebp ('tsStopTime' and 'cv' pointer) look correct.

The condvar with its dedicated mutex look fine
(gdb) p cv[0]
$3 = {m_mutex = {count = -2147483647, owner = 10747906}, m_cond = {count = 2, owner = 4294967291}}
(gdb) x/4wx  cv
0x840b308:      0x80000001      0x00a40002      0x00000002      0xfffffffb

Stop time is OK too
(gdb) p tsStopTime
$7 = {tv_sec = 4512764, tv_nsec = 125003096}

But the result returned is somewhat unexpected
(gdb) p iWaitRes
$5 = 33554432
(gdb) x &iWaitRes
0x7fc6d28:      0x02000000

So, the question is: were there any issues of this kind reported/fixed since 6.3.2?