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Forum Topic - Steps to Enable GSM Modem on QNX7.1.0 using PPPD: (1 Item)
Steps to Enable GSM Modem on QNX7.1.0 using PPPD  
	Hello QNX,
	I am using QNX7.1.0 on i.Mx8QXP MEK board.
	For connectivity I am using the GSM MODEM.
	I have Enabled the PPPD daemon on QNX7.1.0
	I am connecting the modem to board via USB, and following the below steps to start.

	1.Enable serusb to detect the modem connected to USB board.

	   devc-serusb -d did=0x2303 vid=0x067b -b 115200

	2.Enable the PPPD daemon to start the PPP session with modem.

	   pppd /dev/serusb1 115200 nodetach noauth user ppp debug

	From above command I am getting below logs.

	   Using interface ppp0
	   Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/serusb1
	   LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
	   auth.c: Connection terminated.

	As per my understanding the LCP negotiation is getting failed.
	My findings are PPPD is not able to start session due to PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) & CHAP (Challenge 
Handshake Authentication protocol) authentication gets failed.

	I want to know the below points - 

	1.What content is required to put in PAP & CHAP scripts.
	2.Path to keep the above scripts OR need to include in build file.
	3.Any Example or document on how to enable MODEM on QNX with pppd daemon.

	Thanks in advance