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Forum Topic - wpa_supplicant issue: Page 1 of 30 (30 Items)
wpa_supplicant issue  

I am currently running QNX SP6.5 sp1.

I have my wifi loading fine and if I mannually configure the wifi interface it works.  (ie. run wpa_cli ssid "setmyid" 
psk="mypasswd" key_mgmt WPA-PSK) I can get the network to come up and everythings works peachy.

I am having issues with restarting it once I've saved the file.  Our persistent data lives on a NAND flash so when I 
create the build config I create a link to the wpa_supplicant that lives on /emmc/wpa_supplicant.conf.

From the prompt I can see the file, cat the file etc.. so I know it's a valid link.

However when I run my script to startup the wifi, it never authenticate.  It keeps trying and telling me that it has a 

tiw_sta0: Trying to associate with 20:aa:4b:a9:43:74 (SSID='NeatoEngineeringTestWIFI' freq=2462 MHz)
HOSTAPTIW wilink_associate: enter, mode = 0 
tiw_sta0: Associated with 20:aa:4b:a9:43:74
tiw_sta0: WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect
tiw_sta0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=20:aa:4b:a9:43:74 reason=15
tiw_sta0: Authentication with 00:00:00:00:00:00 timed out.
tiw_sta0:    skip - blacklisted (count=1 limit=0)

I know the pre-shared key is correct, because if I do it manually it works.  

I have two io-pkt-v4-hc's running.  The first one lives in the default location /dev/
The second one I load like:

io-pkt-v4-hc -ptcpip prefix=/alt -dti127x-am335x sdio=1,dmatx=2,dmarx=3,irq=794,irq_gpio=26,gpio=38,alt_soc 

And then next I load the supplicant like:
SOCK=/alt /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant_ti  -Dwilink -itiw_sta0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

it reads the config file and gives the above error.

Any ideas?
