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The place where IDE users as well as plug-in developers make announcements, ask questions, provide comments, make suggestions and raise bugs. Before posting a question about IDE please do a quick search in the internet about the subject. IDE is based on Eclipse and CDT projects which have bigger community and they may have answer to your question in their forums and pr database. Also this way you may find an answer in the online QNX user documentation. If you posting a problem please include version of your IDE and versions of used command line tools such as debugger, gcc, etc. (if it is related), as well as version and architecture of target platform. If you need to delete your forum post contact project admin.
866 4057 463 mario sangalli - 01/10/2023 10:09 AM Frederic Plante(deleted) - 08/01/2007 3:33 PM  
Tip of the Day
The forum contains short tips & trick on how to use QNX Momentics IDE. Qnx team would post one or less message per day. Users can post their own findings as well. To subscribe to the mailing list click on Monitor button. If you found a bug related to the tip please post it in General forum instead of this one.
31 49 11 Murugaiyan Perumal(deleted) - 08/01/2017 10:39 PM Elena Laskavaia - 03/06/2009 4:03 PM